Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

March 8, 2013

Living in a virtualised world

I’ve been busy of late, hence the dearth of new posts..

My current gig is basically summed up thus, world + dog are chasing economies wherever they can find them (a good example is regional offices that years ago would have been on leased lines now being connected by xDSL) and so ACME corp’s 447 regional offices get new Cisco 887 adsl routers and all that, and the IT management can then be outsourced and offshored…. 447 expensive leased lines dropped, the in house 500 strong IT department sacked en masse, loadsa money saved, trebles all around at the bean-counters offices.

But some cunt has to turn up with the box and physically plug in the patch cables and so on, and when, not if, when that shit breaks, some cunt has to turn up and physically reset or repair the thing that cannot be fixed remotely…. even if that someone is just a remote pair of hands for a resellers resellers resellers reseller….

Don’t get me wrong, this shit is slick, but it is a basic engineering principle that the more layers of complexity you build up, the more there is to go wrong… which is why twice in the last week alone the NatWest Bank customers have seen all the ATM‘s simply stop working and no on-line banking either, and this is being repeated across the nation in all things IT.

Like the song says, Do your fucking job till the end

Till your job ends that is…. meanwhile back at the gig the crowd I work for are all gung ho, gangbusters and corporate image, which is fucking great while it lasts, which is by definition going to be a finite amount of time, we are hyenas feeding on corpses, for the moment it is a banquet…

I smile sweetly at them all, and friday rolls around and I think to myself that is another week’s money grabbed, wonder what next week will bring, because you see I am old enough and cynical enough to know that in this solyent green world, the crowd I work for can disappear with as little warning as the jobs of those we are replacing with little Cisco boxes (themselves now made in the Czech republic, oh the irony) went down the swannee…

They tell me about all the valuable skills and qualifications I can earn while working for them, and there is an element of truth in that, but I had valuable skills and qualifications in my previous trade of marine engineering, and they don’t put food on the table today, but my survivalist attitudes to life do, so what is more useful to me?

Never take a job you aren’t prepared to walk away from on a moment’s notice is a good motto, because already in this young and dynamic company I can see signs of the rot setting in, and the infection is spreading a lot faster than it did 20 years ago… I see this all over now, they will give some guy a £25k car to turn up at the customers premises in, because it looks good, but no 5 dollar uniform sweatshirt, just wear something of your own, and if you are given any tools they came from walmart, it is utter fucking madness…. exactly the same brand of utter fucking madness that created the jobs in do in the first place… by sacking all the IT staff and sticking in a remotely managed router and some switches.

Of course VOIP is all the rage, so when the cute little cabinet goes down the ACME corp regional office does not just disappear from the HQ WAN, all the fucking phone lines go down too… how many of these sites have all this shit running on a UPS, even a cheap and nasty will only keep it running for ten minutes SOHO job from APC or similar?

You got it, haven’t seen a single fucking one yet….

It is fucking dreadfully incompetent and amateurish, I don’t give a flying fuck how swish and fancy and cute all this remotely managed Cisco kit is, WHEN IT IS WORKING, I don’t care how impressive the tricks are that you can do, WHEN IT IS WORKING, I don’t care with what ease you can do quite complex tasks, WHEN IT IS WORKING, all I see is a system that studiously ignores the 9,000lb gorilla in the room, what the fuck do you do when it stops working, and their answer to that is to point at dudes like me…. whoooosh…

So anyway I’m chilling after a job yesterday with another of the field engineers, who is of a similar age to me, and we are discussing this, and the one thing my extensive experience has taught me…. and this is from the year dot of web servers on…

  1. The least likely person to bork such a box is the field engineer sat there physically in front of it, in true CYA mode he covers his ass at every step, when I am asked to type in console commands for a box that has lost connectivity to a remote IT management centre I read and spell everything back phoenetically, and then ask them, do you want me to press return now? No matter how simple the command.
  2. The MOST likely person to bork such a box is the remotely connected tech telnetting in or whatever, they don’t give a fuck, and this is before they get confused between the three other field techs they are talking to simultaneously to me.
  3. The MORE of a wizard the remote tech is, the WORSE they will bork the box…

All of which means that instead of us field guys being remote waldoes for the megamind remote admin guys, which is how all this shit is marketed by the bean-counters, we are just another point of failure, for exactly the same reasons that someone playing Call of Duty will have a different approach to a crunchie on the ground in Afdiggastan with actual bullets flying around…Networkfailure

Now these people, if you push them, will admit that there are things like the graphic above, a “cascade failure”, but these same cunts have never had to RECOVER from one, because the fact is they have never been in one, of if they have, they were but one node…

I can distinctly remember being in a large hydroelectric turbine hall when a (local) cascade failure hit, because one of the turbines was tripped out by a vibration sensor, which they think was caused by a log getting down into the vent, so one goes down, and it takes aaaaaages to spin down, but the SOUND is indescribably different when it is not under load, and then the next one went because it was overloaded thanks to the first one going down, and then then remaining three went almost together…. and everyone is stood there looking at each other and the hall lighting goes out, and emergency DC lighting flicks on and the turbines continue to spool down… it is the most eerie motherfucking experience… and it took on the onsite diesel gen set and four hours or work before they could start spooling up again, another two hours to get the first two turbines synced to the grid, and another four hours for the remaining three.

But they had ENGINEERS on site, not fucking remote wizards and the only thing on-site some field techs told on a phone press this button now, now press this one, now type this in, now move that cable from here to there, OK I’m in, you can go to the next job ta….

SLA’s, well SLA’s are fulfilled if the resellers reseller can get a warm body on site within 4 hours, that warm body doesn’t have to actually DO anything, or FIX anything, he is just there so the SLA penalties can’t be invoked.

What the people I am currently working for do not know, that I do, is this.


So what happens in extreme cases, well someone ships a new box down, and it gets swapped out and we see if that fixes the problem, the only thing rarer than a UPS is the proverbial “smoking gun” when responding to an error call, nobody know what went wrong or what the causes were, and nobody gives a fuck, this job has had a 2 hour slot allocated to it, and that’s all there is.

Various three letter government agencies are waffling on about the threat of cyber terrorism, and hackers are getting sent to gitmo for 999 years of waterboarding pre trial, but the fact is that the real terrorists are all the fucking beancounters putting these bastard systems in place in the first fucking place, it isn’t IF it falls over, it is WHEN it falls over.

Currently these failures ain’t that bad, wossname bank goes down for 6 hours, wossname ISP goes down for 8 hours, wossname supermarket goes down for 4 hours, but no measures are being put in place to improve on this, on the contrary…. the opposite is what is happening.

Currently, cascade failures in IT have been confined to so called fucked up countries where fucked up stuff like the so called arab spring uprisings were going on, and again shit was blamed of guvvmint shutting shit down, hasn’t YET happened to a western country on the scale of the seventies east coast USA power grid cascade failure, which was ultimately caused by ONE part dying…  hasn’t happened YET.

But it’s gonna, why else is everyone getting the pre – emptive bullshit excuses in place about digital pearl harbours.

And it is not just ACME corp and your local supermarket and your local mobile phone shop doing this shit, it is also your local Court of law, your local Police station, your local lawyers, your local bank, your local hospital, and the technology is spreading in all these places.

Sure, they may well have a diesel genny out back that can be fired up to keep the lights on, but what fucking use is that when packets carrying everything from data to voice suddenly find no routes outside the LAN?

Which reminds me, next week’s money I need to buy myself a new NAS box and a couple of WD Red 3tb disks… lol


July 18, 2012

Cause and effect, a clue by four…

It’s something I see ALL THE TIME, not cause an effect, but the masses of people confusing the two.

Wimminz emancipation and elevation and misandry in the western world?

Do you think that is a cause, or an effect?

Heroic victim status skank ho single mummy battling violent abusive deadbeat daddy endlessly through the court system?

Do you think that is a cause, or an effect?

Picture said psycho skank ho single mummy, then picture the legion of “professionals” that surround her, people who work as cops, courts staff, lawyers, social services, child services, shrinks, local authority housing, state handouts, etc etc.

Is said pycho skank ho single mummy the STOCK IN TRADE, the ASSET, the PRODUCT of that legion, or the general in charge of that legion?

FACT – In my own FRA / secret family court case, every single person involved was mainly concerned with maximising the amount of billable hours, and therefore maximising the time they kept their snouts in the public purse trough.

Let me put it another way, with an analogy.

One one side you have a whole slew of corrupt and lying financial types (just pop over to Zerohedge) and on the other side you have fucking idiots taking out 100% interest only homeloans and getting into negative equity with the live now, pay later, home as an ATM thing.

Now, I will be the last one to portray said underwater “home owner” as a victim, they are a stupid shit who deserves everything they get, however, the fact is the financial industry REQUIRED a seemingly endless supply of stupid shits, so it marketed the fuck out of everyone to mold/create the kind of stupid shits it required, from the raw stock of stupid shits.

How is this, in effect, any different from my psycho skank ho ex?

Sure, she pointed the gun at me and kept pulling the trigger, but she did not make the gun or ammo, or buy it, or anything else, rather it was those who would profit by her pointing the gun at me and pulling the trigger that made sure she had a gun, made sure she know how to pull the trigger, made sure she believed that she would be both immune from prosecution herself, and better off herself, by pulling that trigger.

She is no more a “victim” than those stupid shits who signed up for liar loans for their McMansions, because like them she walked into it of her own free will.

HOWEVER, she, like the liar loans assholes, were certainly sold a bill of goods.

My psycho skank ho ex is, in reality, significantly worse off, with much poorer future prospects, now that I am out of her life, however, she is, just like those in negative equity, fucking angry, because the reality on the ground is that in many ways her life is as crap as it was BEFORE I came along (before the liar loan for the Mc Mansion came along) and so she will remain angry, and wanting someone to pay.

Of course those expert are marketing and creating demand for their “services” are just as adept at deflecting that anger away from themselves, and stoking it, to retain an ongoing profitable relationship with that user, with that PRODUCT.


“Follow the fucking money” has long been a truism… my psycho skank ho ex hasn’t seen an extra penny from anyone…. despite being the hired gun, she never got any payment from the shooting.

WHY do you think the first thing the lawyers do is impose a Scientology like ring of steel around the wimminz, around the product, so that there is absolutely no form of simple verbal face to face communication permitted between the hired gun and the designated target of the day?

The fucking worst thing that can happen is the violent abusive deadbeat dad gets to ask her questions such as these…

So really any remedy to the situation we face in the west can’t be found by dealing with the wimminz, any more than any remedy to the financial situation can be found by dealing with the stupid shits who signed up for liar loans for their McMansions.

Hopefully, by now, you are way ahead of me, and thinking “drugs”, “users” and “pushers”.

From the dealers perspective, everything that does not limit their activities is good, because the very least it does is act as a smokescreen / camouflage.

From the dealers perspective, drugs and users are the product, and marketing will always ensure an endless supply.

From the dealers perspective, the more divisions and strife there are between users and non-users, the better, as it makes marketing cheaper, and saps the energy of and diverts the efforts of non-users away from themselves.


The rich irony here is this…

If you could be a fly on the wall while all those “professionals” who dealt with my own secret family court case are sat having coffee and lunch in between whatever cases they are working today, I abso-fucking-lutely-guaran-fucking-tee, that they will be whining about the “crooks” who manipulated Libor, the crooks who manipulated the Euro and QE, the crooks who manipulated the stock market and devalued their pensions, the crooks who… you get the idea.

The problem is the same, the “dealers” are too tightly enmeshed WITHIN the mechanisms of the State itself to ever allow the passage of any laws that block their own access to the public purse trough.

The MRM will never win against the dealers.

The MRM *cannot* win by staging a battle with the wimminz, because they are just users, and users will never be in short supply.

This is a battle you “win” by being the last man standing, AFTER all the dealers have destroyed each other in a “tragedy of the commons” pursuit of the public purse trough while externalising to that same trough everything that wasn’t personal profit.

You only “win” by being last man standing if you discard, early and often, everyone who does not get it… because as times get tougher, you will be one of the items on the menu, as the dealers look for a convenient diversion.

You can only be last man standing if everyone else thought you were already dead, or beneath notice, while the battle wore on… you only stand up when they have exhausted themselves.