Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

September 11, 2011

EnvironMENTALism and Feminazism.

Now, while it is a truism that as you get older you gain in experience, and you gain in knowledge, it is also true that your intelligence does not also continue to grow.

I attribute about 25% of my intelligence to innate ability, and the other 75% to the fact that from the age of 0 to the age of 7 my brain was taught to be inquisitive and to observe and puzzle things out, this I owe to my parents, who provided the environment I grew up in.

From the age of 7 the mould was cast, and with more practice I may have continued to grow my intellect up to the age of 16 or so, at which point it pretty much levelled off, and all the apparent gains since then are really down the the ever increasing amount of knowledge and experience that I gain year by year. Grist to the mill.

If we assume that IQ is a valid measure of intelligence, which is a moot point, we know that by default the average intelligence is by definition an IQ of 100, and we can say that me being an arrogant bastard I will place my IQ at 125.

Going from the above it means that 25% of that, or IQ 31, is the raw computing power I was born with genetically, and the remaining IQ 94 comes from a combination of training that raw computing power and feeding it an ever accumulating pile of data and experience.

If I had had less nurturing parents, instead of gaining 94 IQ points I might only have gained half that, 47, which added to my born with 25 would give me an IQ of 72, or considerably below average intelligence.

Obviously this is a bit like human diet and height, if you make people progressively dumber year on year, by definition the average IQ of 100 will represent a progressively dumber but still average intellect individual. (and there is an inverse correlation between intelligence and obesity)

As I look around me today, I am reminded of the film “Idiocracy” which if you have not seen, go out and rent it, allegedly a comedy but in fact almost a documentary, people today are a lot dumber on average than they were when I was a small boy.

I often tell people to go and read about the Tolpuddle Martyrs, and especially the quote from George Loveless, a fucking common farm labourer, in 1834, and by God it blows away anything a farm labourer in 2011 could write, even with the internet and the benefit of 11 years of compulsory schooling in a modern technological society.

In short, irrespective of the initial potential supplied by nature, the very rapid changes in nurture since I was a boy to the present day have clearly had a profound effect on intelligence.

As you all know, I bang skank ho’s for a hobby, and this means I come into contact with a lot of todays kids, in their own homes where they are most relaxed, and I have to tell you, they are as dumb as fucking turds…. I have to emulate Beavis and Butthead in order to have any form of meaningful conversation with them, if I try to have anything even remotely approaching a conversation that I would have had at 16, invariably within three sentences out of my mouth I have said at least two things that completely went over their heads, they never heard of it, or anything even remotely related to it, they have an iphone and ipod and itunes, because they are cool, but have never heard of Jobs or Wozniak or the Apple ][ or Mac or anything else.

So I talk to them about this, and they do know for a fact that they literally did not learn one single fucking thing in their 11 years of compulsory schooling, and it pisses them off…. that 25% raw materials I mentioned before is smart enough to know it has been kept in the dark and fed on shit, and to resent it and the entire planet for it bitterly.

Incidentally this is how I get to fuck young chicks, compared to “my era” average IQ of 100, they are around IQ 75, even though that is today’s IQ 100, and that means just smart enough to find a clever older man interesting and sexy, a clever man their own age would be a cunt… go figure.

And as we all (we being you reading this, because chances are you have seen the same shit going down and formed the same opinions of it) know this decline has gone hand in hand with the rise in feminazism… Achtung Herren


What we actually have is a correlation between feminazism and a general lowering of intelligence, the more areas of society that feminazism penetrates then the more areas that are dumbed down and the increasing downwards pressures on intellect.

And what do we have rising alonside feminazism and lowering intellect? Why, we have all the environmental / greenie / tree hugging motherfuckers, “nucular” power is teh evil etc….

And so it is that after Fukushima, Germany, once known as the greatest technical and engineering nation on the planet, not exactly known for earthquakes since it does not reside on any tectonic plate boundaries, and not exactly known for tsunamis since it has fuck all coastline, just ups and closes all it’s nuke power stations due to popular demands, and commissions a bunch of coal burning plants, which, since coal contains many trace elements including pitchblende, which WE learned about in school (Mme Curie) which contains many lovelies such as rare earths, lead, thorium and mainly uranium oxides, the net result is that coal power plants produce and release more “nucular” pollution than nuke plants, much, much, much more, plus all the other noxious shit and particulate matter.

So we have people today who are too ignorant to know that extremely long half life = very low level radiation, but extremely short half life = very high level radiation, complaining about “nucular” waste that will be “dangerous” 10,000 years from now. I’m going to close this piece with an informative graphic at the bottom.

I quite like the way it starts, correctly comparing the radiation dose received by living within 50 miles of an operating nuclear plant for one year, with an equivalent we can all relate to, EATING ONE FUCKING BANANA.

Incidentally, wind farms are legally exclusion zones, you are not allowed anywhere near them, perhaps you sort of knew that, but never thought about it, well think on this, all the wind power installed in the UK has a peak theoretical generating capacity of around 8% of Fukushima, but add all the exclusion zones together and they exceed the current Fukushima exclusion zone in area.

Anyway, back to the plot.

“Carbon tax”, when I was at school I was taught that “Organic chemistry” was the study of chemistry that included the carbon atom as a component in the reactions. When I left school and went home I would watch Spock and Bones in Star Trek series one talk about carbon based life forms, and the next day at school we would hear some more about the Carbonaceus period of pre-history.

With the dumbing down of society that feminazism has accompanied, if not directly caused, you aren’t going to find many people who can relate to what I am saying here, if you can they will probably be male and 50+

By reason of my sex, I have been excluded from raising my own kids, and excluded from any mentoring of any other kids in any educational setting too, because let’s face it the facts of the matter are that feminazism has always seen men as evil, and sought to place barriers between us and impressionable young minds for fear that we would infect them with the fucking ability to think and reason for themselves, aka brainwashing to the feminazis, so that they can keep the kids dumb and brainwashed, aka liberated to the feminazis.

The end result is not the world we have today, this is just the overture, but already we have reached a stage where the things I talked about above have come to pass, and we have reached a place not only where my own considerable practical technical skills and experience are not merely insufficient to get me a job because nobody wants those skills, but there is also nobody I can pass those skills on to, and as I know from my own first hand experience, (for want of a nail the kingdom was lost) the only possible way to acquire those skills is by being apprenticed to a master for several years, and ideally growing up with one of those masters being your own father so you started absorbing that shit at ago 0 and by the time you were 7 you had absorbed more about the subject by osmosis than the modern university book learning asshole knows by the time they leave uni with a degree.

My knowledge and skills are going to die with me.

In *theory* I have enough years left to train a bunch of apprentices and students to the point where they are smart enough to not cut their own hands off and safe enough to start actually learning and accumulating their own experience ready to pass on, in theory I could wait five years to start doing it and still have enough time, which would just about allow enough time for this system to crash, and suddenly realise they need men with skills to rebuild.

But here is the kicker.

What the fuck is this new society going to bribe me with, given that it will be largely based on the cunts who stole my own fucking children from me, and lacking a time machine that can’t be put right.

Wall to wall teen pussy?

Fuck, I get enough now, and I get time to kick back and enjoy it and myself, and frankly I’m quite happy to spend the rest of my days continuing to kick back and enjoy myself and not give a fuck, and most of all, NOT TAKE ON ANY MORE RESPONSIBILITIES!

What’s that? Get someone younger than me, you mean someone in their thirties, a child of the eighties, a child of the feminazi world, a child from a broken home, a child who went to dumbed down schools, and a child who should by rights already have benefitted from the apprenticeship to someone one generation older than him, eg the likes of me… sorry, won’t cut it.

I’m a man, I have bred, my DNA imperitive has been met.

Doesn’t matter how desperate YOU get, MY priorities are no longer yours.

Society shit on me, I’ll be remembering that until the day I die.

Now I will ask you again, what do you have to bribe me with, that I want or can use?

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for posting the radiation chart. Very helpful visual!

    Comment by kit10phish — September 11, 2011 @ 3:23 pm

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