Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

November 5, 2012

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I paid for my ticket and had nothing to do with your pregnancy – so I won’t be offering you my seat. Tough.
aargonaut , Birmingham, United Kingdom, 05/11/2012 13:03

A-fucking-men brother.

It appears from the article that those most aware of the scam, wimminz themselves, have the least sympathy for another wimminz trying to pull the same scam on them, welcome to the brave new world you built wimminz.

This reminds me of the scenario where as a single guy you end up in a pub with a couple, and you buy a round, and the man of the couple buys a round, and then they look at you to buy the next round, and you look at them and say “three drinks in the round, the third drinker now needs to buy their share” and look pointedly at the wimminz, who again, being the scam artist themselves, has the least sympathy for my position when I explain it, and starts in on the husband when he says my point is valid, if I am a bit mean…

Still, with less than 48 hours to go before the free world knows that those who control the USA have chosen to stick with the niggerz they know and can control in the white house (the only pre-election promise Obama has kept is buying his kids a fucking rat) we are all set for the wheels to start falling off the wagon, and for certain players to take one of the layers of masks off and reveal their truer faces.

I have talked before about young wimminz who are single mummies who have series of videos of themselves being gangbanged on t’internet, arguably the future for these wimminz and their womb turds is less complex than our current western economies and financial structures… so when the masks come off the future is going to be “Interesting” for a whole lot of people, and when the tears come the response inevitably is going to be a shrug and a “Deal with it!”

Many moons ago I had a crew on a job, the job turned out to be a lot more complex than it initially appeared, and on the other side of the coin was a large venture that was going nowhere until the job was done, and the gods of the costs of downtime started to rear their heads.

I went to the heads of the venture and laid it out, we can do it this way and the downtime bites you in the ass, or we can tear up the current agreement, work till be drop and it costs what it costs, but it is still far cheaper than the downtime, what do you want?

They said do it, so I pulled the crew together and laid it out and asked for any problems, they were not happy, so I asked how much an hour would make them happy, they said 3x the current hourly rate, I said OK, no argument, then two guys said actually I had promised to take the missus shopping tonight, it being a friday night, so I said if I take care of that too will you work.. the crew agreed. I also pulled in a few more casuals for the crew… know any mates who can do this and need some fast money?

The two women were sent taxis, all paid for, and sent to the local hypermarket, all shopping paid for, the other guys in the crew had (multiple) cases of beer brought to the site and placed in their vehicles.

Some one else turned up with copious quantities of cold soft drinks, cold water and smokes, all free, help yourself. Every three hours that person went off and returned with takeaway. A couple of cots were brought along and there is a place to lie down and relax for an hour or two as the need took you.

We worked basically 20 hours straight, which meant in one long day we did five days work, which saved three days downtime for the heads of the large venture, which was orders of magnitude larger than the increased labour costs they were looking at.

More to the point it was good quality work, very very good quality work.

I told the crew to go home and wash up, see you all in two hours at x bar.

I went to the heads of the large venture and we all went to the bank together, they drew a wad of cash and paid me, I went to the bar and doled out an appropriate wad for each guy on the crew.

Everyone was as happy as a pig in shit, even the wives were happy.

The heads of the large venture called me and invited me around for drinks, they were very impressed, liked my style, I told them that a very old man gave me some very good advice years ago about what it meant to be a good manager.

A good manager is a two way bullshit filter, he stops the guys on the shop floor being hassled by the upper management, and he stops the upper management having to deal with workers issues

They offered me a job on the spot, I said thanks but declined, they handed me their cards and said if ever I changed my mind.

I did not tell them the real reason I did not take the job, the other bit of advice from that guy, “Never work for anyone who knows less than you.

That came out of left field, but I think it is relevant to November 2012 just before the US elections and before the wheels fall off the circus car that is our western fiscal policy.

It would be hard to imagine people who know less than those currently at the wheel, and this is endemic across business and politics and finance.

The heads of the large venture never made the connect between the fact that they needed the services I provided, and the fact that most the of “grunt” employees were Filipino’s on peanuts.

That was 1988, and shit has gone downhill since then.

Commenter “aargonaut” above in the daily fail gets it, so very few do…


  1. “Never work for anyone who knows less than you.“
    Most profound lesson for any worker that you´re never going to get taught in this society.


    BTW, just found out about this crafty whore: http://i.imgur.com/Ynt1L.jpg
    Isn´t that something, bitch doesn´t even have to deal with the icky stuff anymore.
    Just make sure she doesn´t get fat and has a daily shower .. profit.

    Comment by hans — November 7, 2012 @ 3:40 am

  2. […] This is why you should never work for someone who knows less than you. […]

    Pingback by Stares at the World » The Screws are Coming Out — November 16, 2012 @ 4:03 am

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