Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

December 15, 2017

Spent convictions

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 11:44 am

For a while there in the 70’s and 80’s, provided no individual sentence was for more than 3 years, once you’d served your time and a little more time had passed, the law said that you did not have to disclose convictions or imprisonments to anyone, potential employers included, the theory being you had paid your debt to society in full.

I had a friend very senior in recruitment who told me don’t believe it, we *can* find out if we want to, even if you only went to prison for six months six years ago.

I never forgot that, and then the computer and IT age was ushered in, last year disclosure to employers went up from 10 years to 20 years, which caught out a few people working for employers, and who had been for several years, because that moved goalpost meant they had to disclose a serious conviction from 17 years ago to an employer they had been working for for 6 years and nobody knew about the past in their rebuilt life.

Now in 2018 it’s open book and open season, and for many employers the situation is a bit like that gal with the kids and a couple of different live in boyfriends in sequence, doesn’t matter much what her relationship status says today, we just get on with the fact that it’s largely a PR exercise only loosely related to fact, and treat her and everyone else as an unreliable unemployable skank ho.

That isn’t to say that it is the wrong way to treat her, I think the truth is more subtle, she isn’t stupid for making herself unemployable for posting crap to fuckbook ten times a day, it is the existence and design on fuckbook that drew her in and made her unemployable, before she’d have had more pressure to grow the fuck up.

Before you think I’m excusing the poor victim drug user and heaping all the blame on the evil manipulative drug dealer, I’m not, I think both are equally to blame, what we get wrong is celebrating zuckerberg and treating fuckbook like it isn’t a shitstain on society.

While I have no problem with darwinism at work, I’m not blind either, so when you prop up the artificial evil edifice long after it should have eaten itself alive, you’re not curing the problem, you’re making it worse.

So now in 2018 I can no longer lie to a potential employer about a 50 buck fine for pot possession 4 years ago, and if I do I can face additional legal punishments for the lie…. but on the other hand I can lie about being born with a cock almost 60 years ago, and insist that said potential employer call me Victoria, and god help said employer if they do not, or if they dare to offer anyone else the job.

This speaks of a monumental disrespect for hard data and facts, in this story, only two things leap out at me.

1/ we are expected to believe that the feminazi rape squad PD did not ever see the alleged victims phone and text records, it was all just an innocent oversight, because no PD would ever want the victims phone and text records just in case it helps build a case against the accused, no sir..

2/ the innocent guy was still going to go down for it anyway, despite the dozens of people involved in the court case and several score involved behind the scenes, he was going to go down, it was only because a new prosecution barrister was put in place the day before the actual trial (the defence team were told to fuck off and mind their place, only prosecution saw the “hidden” evidence and had the authority to disclose or not) and this doesn’t mean the new prosecuting barrister was honest and moral, it just means he didn’t want to get his hands dirty touching someone else’s work and fuckups.

As I said, monumental lack of respect for data and hard facts.

I know of a girl, we shall call her Amanda Smith, who used to ride motorcycles as a young lass, and was always in trouble for lack of documentation and speeding, and then in further trouble for failing to pay fines for the former, she is long since married and now goes by the name of Mandy Jones, so the past misdeeds of one Amanda Smith are not connected, it’s kind of the only way to beat the system now.

But back to the basics of the story, the bottom line here is if you are an individual the whole concept of a spent conviction or old history being eclipsed by modern history or rehabilitation into society is a pipe dream, if however you are a company or a part of the state or an individual who is a cog in the state machine, you’re good to go.

The so called rape trial above there should be the false accuser, every po-po involved in the case, every crown prosecution service officer in the case, and every court officer and lawyer involved in the case, arrested and charged with various offenses including perjury, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, suppressing evidence, unlawful arrest, unlawful detention, defamation of character and future damages for life, and as an absolute fucking minimum there should be at least a dozen individuals sacked, disbarred fir life, stripped of their pensions and sentenced to a minimum of 5 to 10 years actual fucking jail time.

Won’t happen of course, more pushing the darwinian monkey around in an attempt to change the eventual outcome.

It’s at the point where it is either gestapo police state and then collapse or just straight into anarchy and collapse.

Same as the three letter agencies in the states, the rot has been left too long and it has gone too far, you can no longer clean house and fix it, and aversion to the only possible fix at this time, which is disbanding them all overnight and throwing everyone involved on to the scrapheap and kiss your fucking pension good bye too, means it’s got to get a lot worse before it collapses.

I speak to people, more importantly I listen to people.

It doesn’t matter that all the good old fashioned po-po have already long since left the force, it doesn’t matter that today it is filled with useful idiot millennials who have all drank the koolaid, all that matters is that a significant proportion of those on the inside know the system is fucked, and they know the public are large are no longer their friends, and they know they effectively already chose sides by taking the fucking job.

For them it isn’t a case of well as / when / if shit collapses, we will be the ones with the guns and humvees and food rations, for an increasing number of them it is a case of well, as / when / if the shit collapses, we will be the cannon fodder sent in again and again and again and if 10,000 of us fall there will be 10,000 new recruits to replace us, meanwhile the guns and humvees and food rations are no use to someone who became a statistic, and good luck trying to cross back to the other side when you get invalided out.

They probably don’t mind the idea of being some cross between judge dredd and master chief elite tooled up paramilitary, that all sounds as cool as fuck, being cannon fodder and meat for the grinder is a different story, and being cannon fodder and meat for the grinder is all that in reality they can ever hope to be.

And lacking proper military logistic backup, a couple of hours on the ground is about the time limit for any mission they undertake.

In Northern Ireland in the troubles in the 70’s, the traditional british cop armed with a truncheon would have been dead meat, literally, so the copy went around dressed like paramilitary / swat in armour plated 4×4’s and went everywhere mob handed, meanwhile the army rode around in open 4×4’s so they could exit the vehicle rapidly and not die in it, and be able to take the fight to the “enemy”… but it still wasn’t Beirut, nobody called in 75 mm and fuck the buildings too.

Here in the local man bites dog rag there was a story about the armed po-po patrolling the christmas market, of course the only things being reported are the shopkeepers positive response and the citizens positive response etc, meanwhile I look at the pic and see a couple of smiling millennial fags dressed like storm troopers, they have never seen active service and more importantly never actually lived in a country that we in the west would call lawless, and all I can see is a fucking target, moreover a target that is going to panic and shoot back at anything that moves.

Personally I just make sure I’m at least 300 metres away from any route these assholes are patrolling, but then my priorities are actual security, not kabuki theater.

The poor fuck oh so nearly railroaded into a ten year stretch for multiple rapes that he never committed would have been well advised to read the blog and have all phone calls and SMS messages automagically uploaded to the cloud outside po-po jurisdiction, then he would not have had to reply of a weak and ineffectual (they ALL are) defence team to have to ask the po-po for exculpatory evidence and just fold when told there isn’t any, now fuck off.

NONE OF THIS ***NEW EVIDENCE*** SHIT WAS EITHER NEW OR NEWS TO THE FUCKING ACCUSED, he was the fucking original recipient of naked selfies and please fuck me and all the rest from his malicious false accuser… at least he was before all his IT and underwear and bedclothes and mobile phone was seized by po-po as “evidence”

Funny dat….