Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

January 12, 2018

I wanna be like you hoo hoo

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 10:35 am


This is a hilarious little story that has been floating around for about three years now, of course it will always be spun as google are rayciss or the mainly white coders are all rayciss or software / math is rayciss / misogynist, but it actually goes quite a bit deeper.

The fact is that nowadays photo processing and computer recognition is amazingly good, sure, it’s a long way from perfect, it isn’t even close to wandering around a scrapyard and recognizing a 1956 ford distributor lying in the dirt as being a 1956 ford distributor, but when it consistently has problems differentiating between two things, you need to pay attention.

It was always a casual racist joke to remark on the similarities between wogs and monkeys, but nobody making such a joke had any actual problems telling the two apart, nobody ever got confused whether they were talking to Princess Anne (a horse faced bitch) or her horse, but everyone could see similarities and everyone would “get” any joke made about her looking like a horse.

We are in a sort of inverse uncanny valley here, we forget how good the human brain can be at pattern recognition in some circumstances, like simple walking or catching a ball, we forget how complex a task it is until we try to program a computer to do it, not because programming the computer is hard, but because the act of programming it is to create a set of rules and definitions that express what happens automagically subconsciously in the human brain, and that is hard, very very very hand…

Deleting gorillas and monkeys from the rules so as to not offend niggers is way out there, observing that there is some correlation between the difficulty in programming the sort to work correctly 100% of the time and the human casual racist humour is where the solutions will be found.

The fact that there is enough there to make a joke about, forget whether it is rayciss or in bad taste, is the clue to the difficulty the much more inelegant and less powerful software is facing.

Software rules like “is the monkey holding a ghetto blaster, if yes then it isn’t a monkey” and “is the monkey being chased by da police, if yes then it isn’t a monkey” and “is the monkey called obama, if yes then it is a kenyan” are how you fix the issue, but these are even more rayciss than the original mistake in software, you’re just making things worse, PC wise…

Thump, you are between the rock and the hard place, you either fix this issue in software rules, or you do not, but if you do, every single thing you do is going to be rayciss, most of it far more rayciss than the original problem, so, choose…

And if you can’t fix the thing without being rayciss, then you have an even worse situation, physical and mathematical (software) proof that racism has some basis in fact, line up a chimp and a white man and oprah, take mugshots of each, pick the odd one out.

HAL 9000 only went mental because it was told to lie, remember that, and while it may be trite to think that software going mental = Hal refusing to open the pod bay doors or skynet taking over, the truth is that is like equating humans going mental to pol pot or el che, whereas the reality is the modern snowflake, so software going mental = software snowflakes, unfit for purpose.

Google’s answer to the off false positive of a nigger being identified as a monkey is to wipe monkeys and monkey recognition off the database, and that works, no niggers will be identified as monkeys, because monkeys no longer exist.

Which reminds me of a true story from a few years ago, some yank military helicopter pilots were down in australia playing with military sims, and one of the problems the sim creators had was modelling what would happen when an attack helicopter comes across a band of insurgents (at this point youre probably thinking full cgi, but the fact is icons work just as well for this sort of thing) and the problem specifically was how they react and spread out and take cover or run, so the aussies fixed the bug by modelling what kangaroos do when buzzed by an attack helicopter, so the yanks are playing on the flight sim, see a bunch of roos and buzz them for shits and giggles, and the roos spread out and run, hardy har har and then the roos pop up again from behind bushes and launch rockets at the sim chopper…

Roos 1 : Yanks 0

It’s like the “watch the ball” video with the monkey that walks on scene that nobody sees, if you want to commit a crime, dress in a monkey suit, and the software vision CCTV systems will just see empty space, better the invisible man than being rayciss…

It all sounds stupid and hilarious, but, the fact is this EXACT same thinking is happening now, this is an entirely true contemporary tale.

Here in the UK we have a thing called council tax, depending on the type and value of the house, and the type and number of occupants, a tax bill is calculated, and of course there are various discounts, single occupancy, single skank ho mommy, raghead rapefugee, etc, our local council decided to outsource the whole issue of tabulating this, but not the actual billing and revenue collection, just the tabulation and calculation, to that infamous incompetent pig at the state trough, Crapita.

Crapita, like google monkey vision, is basically a software job, and like google monkey vision, they don’t want to be rayciss or misogynist or anything, so they hard code in all sorts of shit to make sure they never ever presume that skank ho mommy has a live in boyfriend, oh no, she will always be single occupancy, and you guessed it, the invisible gorilla in all this is the single white guy living alone.

Now I pay my council tax by standing order every month, so what could possibly go wrong?

Well, I get a text from the council, can I call them so I eventually do and ask wassup, wassup is I am behind in my council tax payments, eh… hang on, checks online banking, no, I’m not, money went out this month and last month…

Oh, yes, we got money, we didn’t get enough, what the fuck do you mean, well it turns out my single occupant discount is gone, no idea who if anyone is living with me, that is a separate and unconnected issue, but my single occupant discount is gone, there is a hole in my bucket dear lisa… 30 minutes later the drone tells me that calculating my council tax payment has been outsourced by the council to crapita….

News to me, I say, well, it has, they say, news to me as in nobody told me I say, well, they did, they say, so what are you going to do to fix it, I say, well, nothing, they say, I have to fix it… so for shits and giggles I ring the crapita number the council give me, and it’s like herding cats, I could possibly fix it, but it will take at least two hours of my time and at least 4 forms to fill in, AFTER I get through a bunch of security questions to establish my identity.


You know what, fuck you.


My standing order for the CORRECT amount is still going out, YOU outsourced this shit to Crapita, YOU can sort it, or not, YOU can take me to court, or not, I’m done trying to fix problems YOU created.

There have been no changes anywhere, no data has changed, no new data was created, there is no reason whatsoever for any software to suddenly assume that I am no longer a single occupant, I’ll lay money crapita works out the billing based on a slice of revenue, so the default option is suddenly everyone lives in a mansion with their 14 wives, and oh, we can’t afford to upset the niggers or single mommies or gender undecided, so we will make sure we don’t touch them, and single guys, they’re gorillas, excluded from existence in case someone gets offended.

But, it’s not just the local council and crapita, this shit is getting in everywhere, HMRC are using it to profile “fraud” which means everyone who isn’t paying the maximum possible tax, unless you are one of the revolving door corrupt too big to fail, featured nowhere in the MSM is the news that Carillion, another pig at the govt trough, a “construction” group, had a minor problem with their accounting, when it was “fixed” suddenly they were 1.5 billion quid in debt with a 600 million pensions black hole to boot, of course it was all a genuine mistake and oversight, not simply criminal fraud, so can we have a bailout plz…..

Global warming data, same thing, just fudge it, economic data, just fudge it, dodgy dossier (hell, you don’t even know which one I am referring to, there are so many) just fudge it, niggers getting false positives as monkeys, just fudge it.

DATA is NOT the real world, it is a MODEL of the real world, a VIRTUAL REPRESENTATION of the real world, but we have come to a place where DATA, which was once treated as sacrosanct (even social memes like commander data in star trek where he stood for being correct 100% of the time but oh so sad he has no feewings…) and white men who worked in IT treated the security and sanctity of data as paramount… when I was handed a computer to fix the FIRST thing I did was image all the disks, just in case… I *never* had to say to anyone sorry about all your wedding photos and can I haz hamburger memes… nowadays data is just shit to be massaged.

False positives showing niggers as monkeys, no problem, we’ll delete monkeys, problem solved, and this is arguably the biggest and best and richest and most elite coders company that ever existed on the planet, they are essentially a 100% software and data company, and they have so little respect for data that they delete it at a whim, because, feeeeeeewings…. dat’s rayciss..

14 years ago in 1994 Intel got hammered with the pentium floating point arithmetic bug, intel spin was the bug was so trivial the average user would experience it once every 25,000 years, IBM (who had a competing cpu in power pc) said nah, every 25 days, intel had to recall and offer free replacement cpu’s, so in 14 years we have gone from what was in reality a minor and rare arithmetic bug nearly killing a company and being taken very seriously indeed, to google deleting monkeys from an image recognition app in case it upsets niggers.

OH it doesn’t affect me, I have a self driving truck, splat, as it mows down 14 white kids at a bus stop that looked empty to the software, while it swerved to avoid the oprah poster on the back of a bus 400 yards away up the road.


Disclaimer – on condition of total anonymity I have been talking to a coder for a certain german company that is experimenting with autonomous automobile software, and a lot of it is 360 degree cameras and vision recognition, good aryan stock walking the streets isn’t the issue, the wogs and rapefugees are getting false positives as street furniture, sacks of refuse, and I shit you not, scooters with topboxes, and it *really* fucks up the software when something that has been tagged as inanimate starts moving..lol… bottom line is the software can pick out white kids and dogs more accurately than it can pick out niggers and trash.. they tried, for experimental purposes, recording visual data from a street lined with camped out rapefugees, he said the success rate (compared to the human frame by frame control count) for the visual recognition was dropping as low as 25%, he says this was a bit of a shock as for the past year on the normal test data (you know, white folks) they pretty much hadn’t gotten less than 95% unless it was raining in which case it dropped to around 78%, he did say (can’t go into too much detail as apparently is is quite region specific so it would give away his location and therefore the tech centre he works at) that they were up to five nines or better (99.999%) positive matching a certain piece of street furniture, shades of the thing I said above, if it is not being chased by da polizei it is not a black child, it is a bin…

… interestingly an apparently intractable problem for them is the whole “lycra lout” cyclist thing, what they have found it trying to detect cyclists riding badly does more damage to the whole driving output than just ignoring them, let the collision avoidance do its thing if they are in front of the vehicle. otherwise ignore them.

also interesting is they could transform performance and lane keeping in urban areas by using IR QR code to mark things like kerbs and crossings and tramlines, but that system was so open to being abused or gamed they had to reject it.

Most telling is despite being on the inside at a high tech level, he says 99% of it is pure research, he thinks the autonomous car is a pipe dream unless we do something else like bury cables in roads and use vehicle to vehicle swarm comms and also have a central control / routing system, and that only works if nothing else, including dogs and kids and cyclists, is ever allowed anywhere near said “roads”… he says current kits is burning about 10 bhp just running the hardware, and this is really optimised shit, shades of mining crypto, the closer they approach something that could be a distant cousin of johnnycab, the more energy inefficient it becomes, because the onboard processing eats more and more, as he says, for most urban driving, 25 bhp is sufficient yet they are already using a constant 10 bhp for the onboard systems and computation, how does that work in a battery / electric world.

They apparently know several ways to 100% guarantee to “crash” a tesla by fooling the onboard systems so they do not prevent an accident, he says yes on the one hand it is a trite and deliberately loaded abusive artificial  “test” scenario, but 100% of human drivers could ace it every time, and there is the problem… the only way to bring anything to market is the equivalent of deleting monkeys from the database, they no longer exist. I won’t give away the test scenario, when he told me it was frighteningly simple and entirely non technological, I was actually “shit, that actually happened to me a few years ago and I just did this to avoid my vehicle being involved..”


January 9, 2018

Ark Z….

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 10:17 am

… never took off, or got built, it was a code name of an AI crypto mining rig, and it wasn’t very good at that either, but it did ask some interesting questions…


Yesterday someone showed me one of those graphs, one line the wealth of the richest 50 people, one line the wealth of the poorest 30% or something of people, one line going up, one line going down, the lines intersecting around now…

… OK, I know what I am supposed to see, I know what you want me to see, the problem is, I don’t see it…. let’s take Bill Gates as an example of one of the 50.

Perhaps some one like me can bemoan that Office 2018 costs 500 bucks and it should really cost 50 and lets be honest it doesn’t do anything that Office 95 did and what goddam idiot thought using a start button to shutdown and all the rest of the Micro$oft crap, but please explain to me how bill gates and microsoft bled dry anyone in the lowest 30% with their software pricing and lockins… because I am not one of the 30%, and I don’t see people scrabbling a subsistence living taking out an Office 365 sub…

So how did the wealth that by definition they do not have find its way into bill gates’ wallet?

Is the lack of a vital middle class shop owning district in Mogadishu down to all the Yodel drivers delivering Amazon parcels to all the poor?

Are erstwhile entrepreneurs in Mumbai reduced to cleaning out sewers because ebay motors put their bike shops out of business?

I do not buy it, and so I do not buy the one meme that said graph was created to impart upon me, nota bene, I am not saying the graph is incorrect, I’m saying that it is created to communicate an idea, furthermore an idea that does not withstand even rudimentary scrutiny.

So why does it get so much traction?

Pondering this little conundrum is why the AI on Ark Z never mined any bitcoins, and also why nobody ever thought it was a proper AI, it being all unresponsive like.

You could probably produce an eerily similar rich vs poor graph for all sorts of other things, crypto mining rig cpu cycles or power consumption, AWS disk space, FedEx logistics capacity, and so on.

There has ALWAYS been a vast gulf between the wealth of the peasant and the wealth of kings, but the fact is no king born up until the 20th century had the wealth that I personally have now, and that is down to science and technology and advancement.

The street urchin from Somalia not having gucci loafers or not being a rich kid of instagram ain’t the point, a society that is still scrabbling along in the stone age is the point, so why is that society still scrabbling along in the stone age?

it’s still scrabbling along in the stone age because you cannot just uplift one person, or one street, or one technology, society by definition is a complex and interdependent thing, so you need metallurgy and you need people who can build to code and you need people who can run the structured cabling, people who can make the structured cabling, and so on.

If there were a simple lack, there would be a simple demand (by simple I mean no other complicating factors) and corner stores would be springing up everywhere to exploit it, even if they were run by chinese or indians, but they aren’t….

Juicero or the latest kickstarter crap isn’t seeking crowdfunding to open 195 stores across Syria, hell even the incumbent experts like walmart aren’t planning on opening 195 stores across Syria, all Syria has that anyone wants is petrochem, and that shit is all a lot cheaper when there isn’t an extant civilization in place that you have to fit in with, you want to drill what where? buddy, that’s a nature reserve, and anyway you aren’t locally incorporated as a company, you don’t pay local taxes, you don’t employ locals, you don’t have local healthcare and pensions…

… I know because I come from an era where that was done, you didn’t build a mine, you built an entire mining town, and railway, and everything that a town needs, and then there was really only one question, did your mining town have walls around it to keep the locals out, or was it built as a seed crystal that the locals could coalesce around.

It’s a binary choice… and it has to be said only the USA has ever built walled garden “mining towns” and run them badly, because everyone else did it like the monty python what did the romans ever do for us sketch, yeah, the fucking british are here, bastards, but there are trains and schools and running water and policemen and electricity and trucks carrying stuff to and from the market, and there is a stable currency that we can all use… so it would be nice if the british bastards were gone, but all this shit is nice too, so overall, no, I’m not going to pick up a sword, I’m going to open a market stall…

So who is responsible?

Be it Hamburg or Mogadishu, who is responsible?

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Liberalism and bleeding hearts and womyns rights and everything else is responsible, and the rest of us are responsible for standing by and allowing them to take over, so can Detroit turn into Dindustan?

Yup, it can.

Can Dindustan turn back into Detroit?

Yup, it can, with a lot of casualties, all the aforementioned parasites need to die off so that everyone else sees it as a bad bet, and everyone else has to see an alternative on the table.

It *has* to get worse before it can get better, where even the warlords and those in power in Dindustan are living in envy of a bell boy in Detroit, and living in fear of those who want to be bell boys in Detroit.

Ark Z is planet earth in 2018, DNA will win, no other sacred geese exist, especially not political and social models of humanity and community.

“Race” isn’t just about whether you are a white man or a tree swinging dindu nigger raghead asshole, “race” never meant (like the graph we came in at) white privilege, being white you used to be held to a standard, and if you failed, you were out, whether it was the job or the country or the social strata.

Prince Harry marrying a common half black divorcee bitch is failing the standard, the rest of the royals allowing it when the only option used to be either give her up or give being a royal up is failing the standard for the whole royal family game, it’s game over man.

Policemen shaking down citizens and abusing their power is failing the standard, the rest of the force not coming down on those police 10x as hard as they come down on common criminals who do the same thing is failing the standard for the whole law enforcement edifice.

I could go on and on and on, and it is all more of the same.

Just yesterday I talked to a man, he told me he didn’t want to pay 400 bucks a month to sit down for two hours a month with his pet accountant, he’d rather pay 400 bucks to not have to be in a room with the boring twat for two hours, what he wants is an accountant with fire in his veins, for that he will pay a thousand a month.

Like the mogadishu wal mart, you have to have an environment where that can happen.

WE DO NOT HAVE THAT IN THE WEST, what we have is a small minority subset of society that is competent and productive and has pride in their work, and it is a fucking community, they know each other, they trade with each other, they support each other, and being blunt, every other fucker is a dindu, and those dindus come is all races and sizes and sexes and creeds.

January 6, 2018

Ark F

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 1:21 pm

In the previous post Ark B commenter guest says “So what are we, the unemployable and the shiftless to do then? I don’t even know how to make a noose, it’s that bad.

I have mentioned somewhere here previously about a prison cell conversation decades ago between myself and another guy, in which he explained his position that social security (dole) wasn’t security for him from going hungry, it was security FOR society FROM people like him, who could no longer claim that they had to steal to eat, and the flipside of that is you don’t have any convenient excuses to steal or break the law, so things go harder for you.

I should also state that despite how I may come across at times, I’m not without sympathy, it’s just that I am able to separate sympathy for a thing from responsibility for a thing, even assuming I have the spare whatever to make a difference.

I should also state that I’ve been around long enough to have been exposed to human nature often enough that there are few surprises left, for example the cold and hungry and homeless and in real danger of dying tonight, I can offer the hand of friendship, here is a 99 cent burger with no relish and here is an old duvet and here is space in my garage to sleep, it’s dry and probably won’t go below freezing, perhaps within 24 hours, definitely within 72, that free shit will no longer be good enough, where is the relish on the burger, where are the fries, where is the coke, where is the mattress, where is the packet of smokes, come on man, you can afford it…

I should also state that many people consider me generous, give you the shirt off my back type, and I should also state that every time I have gotten involved with a psycho skank ho wimminz there was an element of generosity in it to start it, MGTOW’s will be muttering hypergamy, but it’s just gaming the system and most humans will do it.

In a subset of this are people who I’ll call self starters, you give them the 99 cent burger with no relish and the garage space and they’ll ask if you want them to tidy up or do some work in exchange.

And of course I’ve been through it all myself, and while some people were kind to me, nobody flew in helicopter style and showered me with money and gifts and help, pretty much you were left to dig yourself out back then too, and I’m honest enough to admit that some were more fortunate than others, some had it harder than others, and you could define the cut between those that sank and those that swam with that old self starter thing and the flipside of how much they were their own worst enemy and if it was a net positive then you’d probably doggy paddle and stay afloat, and if it was a net negative you circled the drain…

I could tell stories, I don’t, I don’t like to dwell too much, but internally now and again for example this just past christmas and new year, be it ever so humble, I quietly and internally give thanks for my own front door, electric light and heat and hot water, food and drink in the cupboards and things to do behind closed doors, even if “things” is just playing skyrim… I know how much worse things can get, which is a large part of why I won’t get into debt or spend next years seed money on booze and dope today.

It is immeasurably easier to cut everything back to the bone to STAY in private accommodations, be they ever so humble, than it is to get enough shit together to MOVE INTO accomodations… I once spent 3 months over a winter in a flat with no electric, I could pay the rent and eat, but not feed the electric meter as well, but the bed with quilts was warm and dry so it could be worse, a lot worse.

Which brings us all back to the Ark B story, and the commenter.

I’m not responsible for your current position, some of it, such as the laws that apply to us both that make you unemployable, you aren’t responsible for either, but some of it you are, for example every hour spent playing skyrim was an hour that could have been spent studying something useful, and I know that is dead easy to say, and all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, but the fact is the changes since I was a kid and now aren’t insurmountable.

When I was a kid we were offered a far superior education in schools, but, it was only an offer, and if you didn’t like it there were no real alternatives, there was no internet.

When I was a kid we were told that if we wanted a decent job we’d have to study and pass our exams, and if we wanted a great job we’d have to be in the top 20% of the class, and if we wanted a fantastic job, we’d have to be in the top 5% and go on to university, and if you didn’t like it there were no real alternatives, there was no internet.

So after leaving school I was 17 and old enough to drive, if I could pass a test, if I could afford a vehicle, or on a provisional license I could ride up to a 250 cc motorcycle, but you still had to buy it and insure it and maintain it and put fuel in it, and if you didn’t like that there was the bus, public transport, and if you didn’t like or couldn’t afford that, you walked.

My first 3 jobs were in walking distance, none of them were great job, but they were within walking distance, you get the idea.. none of them paid enough for me to earn enough to buy a 250 cc motorbike, and at the time hire purchase was running around 30% APR so over three years a 500 quid bike would cost you 1,100 quid, or around £7.50 a week, and I was earning 45p an hour.

So I found a job in a big bakery 2 bus rides away, 14 miles in real terms, but 2 buses each way, oh, and it was 12 hour shifts, of and you spend the 12 hour shift picking up and carrying 1 cwt (51 kg) sacks of flour to the sifter and so on, it’s a fucking killer but it is 95p an hour so it’s a way to save up for a bike, I just have to stick it for six months, they have a sweepstake, most people quit after the first shift, a few last the week… forget all your modern ideas about health and safety, heavy lifting etc

I didn’t stick it, a few weeks later I got another job closer to home, much easier work, seems I’d demonstrated that I was prepared to work, so I never found out how long I would have lasted as a sifter… walked to that one too but it was OK because 75p an hour (all before tax of course) I was still doing ok.  A pint of beer was 40p, a packet of 20 smokes was 32p and a gallon of four star was £1.05

I didn’t *want* any of these jobs, as far as I was concerned they all sucked rancid donkey cock, but I needed money to live, and in those days the dole only paid out the first six months after you lost a job, and it didn’t pay out that much then, and bugger all after 6 months, or if you had not paid in enough from working, and there were no other EXTRAS like housing benefits or single mommy support or anything.

£20-25 would get you a 4 hour each way bus ride to a big city on a saturday where you could go to a concert (ticket £3)… now we were on “man’s” wages approaching 30 quid a week take home we local boys could do that every other weekend….  at some point 250 quid was saved up for a BSA in a box in pieces.

On the one hand, I do not want to say it was hard, fact is at 18 I and pretty much all my mates could earn enough take home to buy 30 gallons of gas a week, in todays money that’s £175 takehome, call it £240 gross or /40 = £6 per hour which is about the minimum wage today

On the other hand, it wasn’t fucking easy either, “that’s coming out of your wages boy” and no health and safety no nothing, for example as a sifter I was expected to pick up from a pallet around 6 to 8 tons of flour in 1 cwt sacks per shift, per FIRST HALF of the shift, second half was the dough I had made, which weighed twice as much as the flour, had to be cut by hand with a knife and loaded into the machines that made baps and rolls, lot easier because you’d cut about 20lb of dough at a time, but you didn’t stop, the machines had to be fed, and you were at the beginning of the production line, which was all mechanical and pneumatic in those days, no PC controls, so every single 12 hour shift you’d be manually handling 12 to 16 tons in mass, a ton an hour…. the song “16 tons” was popular amongst the sifters, fuck me, they must have been REAL men…

BTW if you think all that made me the 18 year old kick ass of the county, think again, I wasn’t a wimp, but three of my mates made me seem weak, and some of the older men who had been doing this shit all their lives, they could have ripped all four of us to shreds and shit in the hole where our heads were, there weren’t any gyms or steroids or any of that shit, that was just the day jobs, so no, it wasn’t “easy” either…

… I have often been heard to say that I am about the youngest person you’ll ever meet to had a real traditional engineering apprenticeship, because that shit don’t exist any more, in much quieter moments I will also admit that I am probably the last of the first generation to not get fucked and crippled simply by doing a lifetime of work, I’m in my late fifties and if anyone my age is fucked by simply doing a lifetime of work they are the exception, back when I was a boy it was normal.

So I suppose you could sum it up by saying no, it wasn’t hard to earn a living back then, as in it was an attainable goal for most, but it certainly was not easy to actually do it, week in and week out, going to work meant going to WORK. By definition, work was not easy.

The height of technology was an electronic cash register, or pocket calculator, or maybe a TV or VHS or ghetto blaster, electronic ignition was just coming out, credit ran around 30-34% if you were getting a vehicle loan, a mortgage ran around 12%, plastic basically didn’t exist for the man in the street, telex and telegram were still the fastest way to communicate over distance, and cash was king, as in 99% of everyone got paid, weekly, in cash.

So, again back to Ark B and the commenter who said “So what are we, the unemployable and the shiftless to do then? I don’t even know how to make a noose, it’s that bad.

Cruel to be kind as they say, I do not want to be cruel, I’d like to be kind, but being kind will probably hurt you long term much more than me being cruel, so “cry me a fucking river” and give me £100 and I’ll show you how to make a noose, give me £250 and I’ll show you how to make a noose and where to buy the supplies to make them, give me £500 and I’ll show you how to design a website and sell them on fleabay and amazon, and then you can make a living catering to those who are in the same boat.


So the bottom line here for Ark B is this.

Did I, personally, ever do anything to you or tell you anything or sell you anything or promise you anything to account for you being in the position in which you currently find yourself?

The answer is of course no… so my responsibility is zero.

Am I personally going to suffer because of your woes?

Again, the answer is no.

Is it my fucking problem? A little more complex, shades of the MGTOW I didn’t start the fire so don’t expect me to act as craptain save a ho fireman when everything starts burning down, so a nuanced no.

your biggest problem is YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN EITHER HARDSHIP OR WORK, so even if you accept your situation and wish to take steps to correct it and wish to ally with someone who you can work with in a mutually beneficial way, eg someone like me giving you a job, you make a piss poor bet, for us…

1/ you’ve never known hardship or work, so you’ll fold as soon as presented with either.

2/ the laws of the land prevent you and me both from acting any other way.

To be sure, there is a way, you turn up in person and ask for a zero hour subcontracting ZERO RIGHTS position, where you basically do the 16 tons to get another day deeper in debt to me, until you come out the other side.

Now you only have to determine if the potential “employer” is someone like me, or someone who will just exploit the fuck out of you and then replace you when you’re fucked.

The SMART thing to do as an employer is to exploit the fuck out of you.

Ark B is really a story about a potential employer who takes the high moral road, not going there with the exploitation, so no, there is no job vacancy here, and yes, I would be better off exploiting the fuck out of some newb like you, so yes I am walking away from profit in the name of morality, yet, I will be labelled as the immoral one.

Ark F is the FEMA work camp, take a number citizen, ah, your number is exactly divisible by 3, go over there to the army draft line.



January 5, 2018

Ark B

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 12:49 pm

There now exists such a generational gap that I posted a new page on the business website about working or getting a job there, you could sum it up as “fuck off, you are unemployable” and that is a statement that I could make with 99.99% accuracy, without ever seeing an individual candidate.

In some ways I relish the opportunity to interview a young female candidate, because I could explain to her in great detail that the legal impossibility of her offering sex in exchange for a job, because, you know, that is the mantra that all female staff are victims of all evil perverted male bosses or guys with power, the one thing that she had going for her to get a job is now a legal impossibility.

Be you male or female or gender fluid, the only kind of job going will be zero hours sub-contracting, you’ll have zero rights, and your biggest challenge will be financing the transition period between you being a worthless weenie in need of training, and someone who I can afford to hire and make a profit on.

My own father, not grandfather or great grandfather or great great grandfather, but my own father, was one of two sons, born to a small time farmer / landowner… the eldest son was sent to a “proper” college which was the then equivalent of a university when the word university was reserved for a very few very expensive places like Oxford, to study agriculture, and this meant that when the second son came along to that age, there just wasn’t the money, so second best was his parents paying a local business to employ him as an apprentice, with day release one day a week to a local technical college, by the second year his wages just about covered the apprenticeship costs, by the fourth year he was making a take home wage, albeit not a huge one.

My grandfather had gone to work for Henry Ford in the states to make enough money to come back and buy the land in the first place, *his* two brothers, one went to Australia for the gold rush and became a fruit farmer in Mildura, and the other one stayed locally, being the eldest, and lived on and made a living in the peripheries of the local mining industry such as it was back then.

In many many many ways, although the trades have changed and so on, me in my own small business now I’m just doing the exact same thing my father and grandfather did at some point when there wasn’t exactly a surplus of decent jobs that paid a decent wage locally, one big change is the option to go abroad and ex pat and make big money as a “cousin jack” has gone, I was there in the 1980’s when ex patting in the middle east had descended to the point where a white man would go over there to work to drive a dozer or grader or some other form of menial manual labour, the days when the ex pat white man was a manager and no less were already gone, and we didn’t even have shit like the internet back then.

So all that’s left is working for yourself in your own business… here in the UK working as an employee also means being on PAYE taxation where your employer takes care of all that shit, I guess I have a total of around 10 years of PAYE history, and I have to tell you nothing makes you feel quite so much like a child molester in a kindergarten as being faced with a couple of life long wage slave PAYE types and trying to explain how maybe 25% of your work history was for someone else on a PAYE scheme, and therefore “checkable” in some manner…. there is an immeasurable gulf between you and them, and no matter what you say you’ll never get them to understand, comprehend or accept.

The very concept of not knowing where the money is coming from next month to live is utterly alien to them, the whole point of being employed is to be on a salary so they know to within a few bucks how much they will get paid every month, and this is what people come asking for when they come asking for a “job”.

It’s like my last gig as the Cisco Kid, getting such a job is difficult, given that I did not have a “checkable work history”, but once you are in it keeping the job competence wise is a piece of piss, the problem you face is the problem I faced, after three years it was quit or murder some asshole for their ignorance / arrogance / incompetence, because the fact that soon becomes apparent is that in work and productivity terms you are one of their very best, but in pay terms you’re one of the scum… nobody in any off the offices selling the services of field engineers like me had a clue what we did, nor did they give a fuck, fact is we can’t have been much good at anything to forgo the opportunity to work in the googleplex glass and chrome HQ every day.

And so I came to lasers, initially as a hobby funded by the day job as the cisco kid, until one day you realise you can make a living doing this shit… so fuck the day job.

Lots of people ask me about this, nobody likes the answers, because the answers are that I only ever got to that place of thinking fuck me I could make a living at this because I already had best part of a life time of being a time served engineer who was old school enough to believe that you live and die by only being as good as your last job, and though I say so myself with a very wide and broad range of skills and experience.

You know, there are a million people on the planet who are better than me at internet backbone shit, they can code Cisco and Juniper in their sleep, and set up entire vlans of /16 vpn’s in their head, but there was always a respected place for the guy who turned up on site with a brain, used masking tape and a pen to label every single cable or fibre, photographed it half a dozen times, sat down and went through the methodical analysis, and said hey, the AVAYA box is set to full duplex auto and the Cisco box is set to 100 mbit duplex, no wonder they aren’t “seeing” each other, because the methodical guy with a brain never created new problems, and could be relied on to fix all the simpler ones, which means all the more common ones… sigh, some twat forgot to set the xDSL port to UP, no wonder it ain’t working.

So you take all that and go and buy your first laser, in my case a plotter, and it should be in your case too, because they are more versatile than galvo, then you spend your time building work and reputation on the plotter, while every third job wishing you had a galvo and every tenth job wishing you had something exotic like UV.

But again like the PAYE thing, in my case I personally am 100% debt free, I do not own anyone any money, no mortgage, no loans, no leases, no finances, and so is the business, and again that is a huge cultural and intelligence gap for everyone else, where step 1 on the “business plan” is borrow startup capital, and step 2 is lease equipment at top dollar.

So you face choices, you have enough cash on hand to buy either a clean Baldwin motion big block C3 vette, or a new piece of high tech laser kit, which one has the potential to earn you more money?

Speaking personally my daily driver is a 18 year old diesel volvo shed that I paid less than 700 quid for, can’t remember the last time I bought something new for myself, on the other hand, I like tools, they are my toys, so new tools are like new toys.

I can tell you for example that in my experience, which by definition excludes half a million bucks worth of bystronic beauty financed on lease, I don’t see the point, I have two local places I can go that have one, when I need the use of one, the plotter is the workhorse, but the galvo is the baby that gets all the 30 off and 50 off and 250 off orders, and they are where the money is at.

Should I have gone straight for the galvo? nope, being brutal a galvo by itself is limited, I have lots of work that has to be processed by the plotter before going to the galvo, and again being brutal it soon becomes apparent that you end up in hackerspace developing and building extensions to the functionality of the original equipment.

Which brings us all the way back to the whole give me a fucking job you sexist bastard employing staff thing…

Where am I going to find people to hire on zero hours subcontract who are prepared to pay for permission to come to work for a couple of years before they learn enough to be trusted with the equipment and to earn us both money?

The immigrants are no more employable than the locals, they are not educated and hungry and unsullied by false ideas of high net worth on leaving school, they are even worse than the fucking locals, who are fucking unemployable.

So where is the pool of potential workers?

Sure, 8% unemployment means there are thousands of already unemployed and thousands of new unemployed school leavers every year, so the numbers are out there and local, but there is a direct analogy to asking an MGTOW red piller who MIGHT, just might mind ewe, have a vacancy for a traditional wife 1.0 should he be lucky enough to find such a beast, why, when there are 25,000 single wimminz and skank ho mommies out there, why is he living alone?

Because he hasn’t found anything that even comes close to making the grade, and he long since gave up actually fucking looking.

if it is out there, which is a statistical possibility, then it only makes sense to say if it is out there and if it is the real thing, it will make the effort to find him.

The reality is I get one or two form type emails a year, around summer time, for some dweeb asking for an internship, and no personal callers, ever.

The highest possibility by far is someone I know who is also in business having a kid that one day approaches me for a job, and even then I have to ask, how come you ain’t working for your dad?

Everyone else is looking for “security” in a salaried job pushing a pen around or asking if you want fries with that, no work, no productivity, no value adding anywhere in the economy.

January 4, 2018

The Genetic Urge

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 9:58 pm

Everyone is by definition a son or daughter, but depending on age and circumstance not everyone is a father or mother.

As a son and a father, while in some distant sense I can see that the offspring of my sons are related to me, I can also see that if I had been the one to impregnate the wimminz in question, said kids would be more related to me… in essence I can “feel” the genetic difference between something that is notionally 25% me vs something that is notionally 50% me.

I can feel it at the level you ask the question “should I reserve that young wimminz for my sons to impregnate, or should i impregnate her myself?” and if I do it myself do I feel like I am ‘stealing’ something from my sons?

I just mention this in the light of the news this week that that oh so nearly full EU member country Turkey is saying that 9 years of age is the minimum age at which an individual can be married… and 9 years old is probably closer to my grandson’s era mating pool than my own, but the way the world is going lately I will make a more eligible future husband for said primary school gurlz than either my sons or grandsons, simply because I could provide for the little bitchez better…

In other news a crypto currency that didn’t exist this time last year is worth more than the GDP of the entire EU now, the Dow that was insanity when it went into five digits is now past 25,000, and thank fuck there is an arab spring in Iran, or is that Sweden or the Ruhr, I get so confused, anyway from now on the petrodollar is going to be replaced with the petroblockchain or the petroyuan or something, maybe amazon gift vouchers, but the story that is getting absolutely no traction or even mentions anywhere in any MSM channel or anywhere else, is this.

lots and lots and lots and lots of ordinary people in the street are going online to buy really basic shit, and yes, much of it is “just in time” imported cheap / exploitative / crap, and finding that the major retailers are simply out of stock of the entire range, nope, no kids dark school trousers / skirts in any size, sorry, nope, no kids generic trainers, nope, no generic inch by eighth brass wood screws, nope, no 10 mm plastic channel / edging, nope, no 240 gsm white card stock, nope no whatever it was you were looking for…  it’s almost like up the line a lot of large corporate buyers / importers know something we don’t… because nobody here even knows what the baltic dry index is, much less what it means or what it is doing…

I should write a bestseller, 101 uses for a dead cat has been done, so I’m thinking 101 uses for a dead raghead, or 101 uses for a dead jew, or 101 uses for a dead wimminz, I dunno, you think Salman Rushdie and Charlie Hebdo got shit for making islam jokes in print, any one of those would probably get me thrown in jail within 72 hours of trying to publish, course we don’t have a first amendment here, but if I was a yank I could write 101 uses for a dead constitution or 101 uses for a dead senator or 101 uses for a dead cop, and see how far your first amendment protections last…

… for myself I know things are beyond fucked when I’m with a mate and I make a bad taste joke, a bit like the Blue Brothers clip, how much for the leetle girls, your wimmin, I want to buy them… you know what I mean, the sort of joke you can share with someone who has known you for 20 or more years, knows where you’re coming from, lots of shared history, all that good shit.. used to be you’d get some riposte, some insult, some laugh, some something, last few weeks I’ve been getting thoughtful silences instead, like they are thinking of saying, 50 bucks, payable over 50 weeks?

I’ve been accused, usually falsely and maliciously, of all kinds of outlandish shit over the years, and for my sins I have never actually thought about those accusations in any detail.. I’ve thought how can you say that, how could anyone believe that, how do you come up with that shit, but I have never actually tried to picture myself in the place of someone actually doing said thing, I guess it never occurred to me, because the accusation was bullshit, so why would I… but lately I have been questioning some of that shit… notably that manchester concert bombing a while ago, there was a homeless dude nearby who one minute was praised as a self less hero, and the next minute as a dirty graverobbing bastard, I never really thought he was either, as much as I ever thought about the story, which wasn’t at all really, as in *thought*, but nowadays I wonder, maybe the reality is just he was some maybe down on his luck, maybe self inflicted bum, maybe straight or maybe wasted when there is a big bang, and maybe he doesn’t really think either, maybe he just reacts to the situation presented to him, maybe he just reacts in a way that presents immediate short term gains…

Sure, it doesn’t paint him in a good light, but then again it doesn’t paint him in as bad a light as calling him a dirty graverobbing bastard either, and I was kinda reminded of this with the death / passing of someone I knew very well a while ago, and that could have been an individual or an ideal or a whole country, because whether the eulogies were glowing or black, I couldn’t relate any of them to the person I knew.

If 2018 is finally the year that western civilization as we know it crumbles, how can I mourn it, because there is nothing from the last 20 years of western civilization as we know it that I can relate to.

Hell, I was in various middle eastern countries in the seventies, for quite a long time, not as a tourist passing through, so whether or not “Iran” falls now to some new maidan orange revolution or mossad / cia intervention or B52 death from above, the fact is whatever falls, it won’t be the Iran that I knew, the Iran I knew is already long gone, ditto the stinking little port of dubai, ditto the quaint little semi colonial towns of KL or Ipoh or the state of Singapore, ditto the shellfare state in borneo or the copper and coal belts in deepest africa.

For some reason I remember an old german woman I met 30 plus years ago in spain, the berlin wall hadn’t fallen then but for many europeans it was effectively just another open border that could be crossed at will, and I had done so on a motorcycle, and she was telling me about the berlin she knew as a little girl from strausberg (only remembered it because I made some mental short circuit connection to Johann and his waltzes so the name stuck) in the 20’s, now I kind of get her attitude and what she was saying, the berlin she knew was long gone by 1939, the thing that got bombed to shit a few years later and then given to ivan wasn’t something she could really mourn, because it was no longer even then the thing she knew and missed.


December 30, 2017


Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 3:45 pm

I have long stated that engineers look at the world differently to everyone else, and I should perhaps include the caveat that when I say engineer I mean engineer, not some dweeb with the word in the job title.

My “pet car mechanic” who does all my motor vehicle maintenance has owned and run such things as detomaso’s and prancing ponies, all old school stuff, he has no time for the new stuff, it just isn’t engineering to him.

Very very very few people are capable of understanding how a 500 buck bill from him doesn’t represent 500 bucks worth of work, it represents about 1,000 bucks worth of work and 4,000 bucks worth of experience, and he is very selective who he will take on as a customer.

Most people see a 500 buck bill from him, a 500 buck bill from a main dealer, probably better value than the 500 buck bill from him, and the option they go for, the shade tree guy with home depot tools and a sideline fixin’ motors and a 300 buck bill.

Currency is the same, sure, back in the day long before we were all born when “currency” = precious metal coins then currency had a utility, but nowadays currency, like the 2018 ferrari, like everything else in this world, is designed and created, and unless you are an engineer, you won’t understand what that means.

Because what it means is there will be a whole list of “utility” that a thing has to have in addition to the prime function, and it is *incredibly* rare to find a set of circumstances where it is not perfectly normal to expect and allow those additional utility features to eat into the alleged prime function.

Today we could create a currency based upon the kilowatt hour, or the megawatt hour, we’ll call it the “Megabuk”.

A gallon of diesel would set you back around 0.040 Megabuks or 4.0 megacents, it’s easy enough from there to expand it to anything and everything and price it in Megabuks.

There is only one problem, it works perfectly as a currency of exchange, the prime function, but when it comes to that secondary utility wish list, it basically doesn’t exist, because there is no way to game the system, if the energy content of the diesel drops to 38 kwh then it’s worth 3.8 megacents, the 40 kwh/gallon shit is still 4.0 megacents.

If it exists alongside any fiat currency then speculation will kill the fiat currency within 24 hours, because 40 megacents is still 100% equivalent to that gallon of 40 kwh diesel, who gives a shit what Shell Romania says it is worth in local yokel…

Which means that one of the fundamental design principles of EVERY fucking currency will be to include enough of those side utility list items, so that you can play games with the currency and make money by means other than physical production or investment in physical production.

I am as far from a city financial whizz as you can get, but to me it has always seemed that crypto was all side dishes and no main course… I just don’t fucking *get* it, yet I do get the whole idea of a mathematically exponentially limited thing, and a blockchain transaction thing, and I get the idea that if two people agree that buttons have value then those two people can trade in buttons, I just do not see the connection between that and currency.

To me it is no more than a common delusion, as indeed the current British pound Sterling is a common delusion, but GBP I can spend literally anywhere, so it has utility for that and that alone.

I have also always thought that money was talked about wrongly.

To an engineer a statement about watts, or a statement about joules, or a statement about watt/hours are all quite separate things.

It’s the same with money, 200 bucks is a meaningless number, but if you add a “velocity” to it and say 200 bucks a week you have a number that equates to something that a frugal guy with very limited outgoings can live on in the west, it may not be much of a life, but it does represent the potential for survival.

200,000 tied up in a house is therefore a meaningless number, but 2,000 tied up in a hot dog stand that can earn you 150 bucks a day gross and 50 bucks a day nett is not a meaningless number.

A 50 kw battery is meaningless, so is a 50 kwh battery, but a 50kwh battery with 1C 10 hour charge / discharge at 90% efficiency and 5,000 cycles before losing 25% of capacity is not a meaningless number…

All modern fiat currencies are literally, to an engineer type brain, meaningless, 15 bucks an hour minimum wage is meaningless, so all arguments for or against it are meaningless, it is just numbers that are expressly designed to be sold on the main course, but to be gamed on the side dishes, and the side dishes are never mentioned, except in tiny 2 point text in light grey on a white background.

The people who came up with the menu in the first fucking place designed it that way, so it stands to reason that the main course is the bait and switch hook, only a fucking idiot looks at the magician’s left hand etc.

My small business lives and dies not by how much money is in the bank, (what the stock is worth if we had such a thing and were IPO’d) but by how much money comes in and goes out every week, the velocity of money through the business is the only metric that means anything, because it means all those side dishes are also passing through my hand just like a game of pass the parcel, so my exposure is limited and transitory.

If I take on an employee I only care about one thing, the amount of EXTRA money coming in MINUS what it costs me to employ them, it’s not MY fault YOUR business model starts off with you doing fuck all being a manager and having a company mercedes, and then needing three employees to man the shop to hopefully generate enough extra income to support your dead weight, so 10/12/15 bucks an hour minimum wage is neither here nor there.

There either is a job going, or there isn’t, and the ONLY person who can POSSIBLY persuade me to say that there is is the potential employee…. can I make a profit out of you bitch? because if not, what the fuck are you doing here asking for a job?

And making a profit out of you is something that can only be determined by looking at the velocity of money.

1,000 bucks a week turnover if I am trading 40 hours a week is 25 bucks an hour.

You want 12, it will cost me an extra 10 to employ and train you, that brings us up to 22, I want a 8 to make it worth my while, so you need to cause the velocity of money through my business to increase by 30 bucks an hour from the current 25 to 55.

It’s the same as adding an extra load to a power source, unless you increase the power source the source depletes faster.

Having 50k in the business bank account and employing you increasing the velocity from 25 bucks an hour to 50 isn’t worthwhile… but if you only look at the main course you’ll think you’re fat and can afford it easy.

If you look at the side dishes you see 3 bucks an hour at best while the music keeps playing, and an extra set of parcels that you will end up holding every time the fucking music stops, now it’s no longer MY fat to live off in the company bank account, now it’s a trough for all the employees.


It’s all psychology and marketing, from the very concept of “currency” on up.

December 29, 2017

Life , death, taxes….

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 3:03 pm

You do not get to my age in life without burying a few people, and without starting the climb up the mortality bell curve where increasing numbers of those connected to you start getting sick and dying.

I dunno about words like getting easier, but you do learn how to deal with it, because each new case adds more data to your experiences.

One of the major differences between mechanics and doctors is mechanics can tell you to buy a new car, this one is fucked, so doctors play the “how long do I have left doc?” game, and for their sins the fact is they are just guessing, and depending on how lucky you are and how skilled they are and how much of your own life and medical history they are aware of, that guess might be more or less educated.

A mechanic guessing how many thousand miles was left in a car can only go for the average number, say 5,000 miles, as a best guess, he don’t know that my cousin Dave is a cunt who will blow it up in 500 if you’re lucky, and he don’t know that my old dad could have gotten 25,000 out of it easy, all of them without opening the hood or doing any repairs.

Doctors are the same, they’ll guess, and even if in hindsight it was a pretty good guess, that’s hindsight, at the point the guess is made it’s no better than guessing house prices next March 2019, there is no way to know.

Being given “weeks, rather than months or years” matters to you if you are 15 and haven’t lived much yet, not so much if you are 95 and have had a good life, but even then it is all a bit maybe so, maybe not, it’s a world away from being in a space capsule with 14 hours of breathable oxygen left, or on death row with a fixed appointment with the noose next saturday, because with those scenarios the probability of it being months or years until you die is precisely zero.

What I do know is even if it is in bed surrounded by relatives and friends, the dying bit is something you do on your own, alone, and for an awful lot of people, eg those that aren’t taken suddenly by a trauma or heart attack, there comes a point where they basically decide fuck it, not fighting any more, come and get me, and usually (witch doctor esque) the actual death comes within a few days of that point.

Being pedantic you can say that the thing that was killing them is not the reason they died on a specific day, the reason they died on a specific day was they gave up fighting the thing that was killing them, and only the young and inexperienced can say fuck that, I’d never give up.

More than once, because unlike birthdays, christmas and new year are pretty much universal milestones that anyone can relate to, I’ve been in a place where like that doctor or mechanic I can guess that Fred ain’t gonna be around to see next Christmas or New Year, or maybe the next candle on the cake, and sometimes I have been right, and sometimes I have been wrong, Fred lasted an extra year, maybe two.

If it’s someone you care about you hope that they will remain pretty comfortable and independent until one night they go to bed and next day they just don’t wake up, if it is someone you hate you hope that they will have several years or misery, pain and suffering, but the fact is like many other things in life, what they get is what they get.

A good enough mechanic given enough time and resources can keep any single vehicle on the road, indefinitely, not so with the medical profession, they may well detect things like cancer and so on, and offer treatments, but I have always been left with the vague quasi religious impression that your time is either up, or it ain’t, and either way no earthly matters are going to change that much.

Perhaps in some sci-fi med-tech future that may not be the case, everyone who isn’t killed suddenly in a car crash can expect to live to be 125 and also expect to be fully active and aware up until the end, but not now.

In my life I have seen amazing advances is medicine and technology, but I’m a lot more dubious about any of it cheating destiny.

I’ve seen people with “incurable” cancer cured, then a year later something else unrelated and unexpected comes along and takes them out, I’ve seen people who have “five years left” spend those five years under the doctors knife instead of doing what they enjoyed, and still die on schedule, and of course I have seen people avoid a lot of unpleasantness and discomfort, but still keep their appointment with dr death, and time and time and time again I have seen people survive something that “should have killed them, they were so bloody lucky, someone up there must be watching over them” and a year or two later they are dead of something else.

Of course none of it is just or fair, as far as I can tell, you can’t even get an adequate explanation for most of it, it just is… I’ll always remember the truck driver whose boy died at 16 of cancer, for me it was the first I knew anyone could get cancer that young, and I was older than that at the time, so it was a bit of a shock, how the fuck could the Norks nuke the yanks???

A biologist (evolutionary) might comment that mamma nature never intended for many humans to live much past 50, so all these “old age” diseases and death shit is just because they body ran well past the design warranty stage, and there might be *some* truth in that, Saint Boniface was born in 675 AD and was executed in 754 AD which meant he not only lived to 79 years of age and spent much of it traveling around northern europe, he was obviously hearty enough to be a big enough pain in the ass to someone to get himself executed at 79 years of ago, and this was over 1,250 years ago…

… and of course the bible talked of three score and ten, so 70 seems to be the norm for humanity.

Anything after 70 is a bonus, and yes, perhaps we can thank modern medicine and science and technology for that extra time, and perhaps we can say that that extra time is likely to be ended by something that was never intended to last that long failing, even if that thing is just an immune system that fails to suppress cancer…

As I type this, I am in the UK, and the age at which I can retire and get a state pension is 67, obviously this is subject to change in the interim, but if you put it another way I have less than a decade to go before I am too old to be employed by anyone except B&Q (a DIY store famous for employing the elderly) and in many ways that is a sobering thought.

It’s not on the same level as a doctor telling me I have ten years to live, maybe, but it is the same thing in the sense that it is a bet, made in general, without regard to any specific individual characteristics.

Who knows, it could be a good bet, what if I do have just ten years left?

Well one thing for sure is nobody is consulting ME, the bastards, I still feel 14 going on 20 inside, but on the other hand a whole bunch of shit no longer appeals to me, for example I can’t relate to guys who father children at 60/65/70 etc, I don’t get it, but then I don’t get people who resign themselves to a life working at B&Q until they push up some daisies either.

What I’d probably do is what I did, give up being the Cisco Kid and start my own small business, still working for an asshole, but one I have known all my life, and no I have no fucking idea how that will go any more than I know how long I will live, but what else can you do?

There isn’t really anything else I’d rather be doing, and that might well be sad, but it is also a fact, and sure, I am in the real world beset by problems all around me including but not confined to fucking state institutions who couldn’t find their own assholes in a dark room with both hands, ditto fucking so called “professionals” who I am duty and legally bound to employ and consult with from time to time, some health issues with those near and dear to me, the parlous state of western society and civilisation as a whole, and the price of fucking gasoline, etc etc.

My plan, such as there is one, and believe me, there isn’t one, except isofar as not having a plan is a plan, because that way you can adapt, is to do whatever seems right at the time, and whatever seems true to myself, because the one thing I have observed is that many, not most or all, but many, of those who live a good life and then just go away one night lived their lives that way too.

It’s pretty vague and fucked up and dependent on many things, but it has at least as much going for it as any doctor’s diagnosis about how long I have left.

death-clock.org reckons I’ll last another 20 years and die in late August 2038, 30 if I quit smoking, that and a buck will buy me a coffee.

I could get wiped out by a drunk today.

Those that I have buried, everyone talks about how they died or when they died, sure, eulogies talk about how they lived, but that is all bullshit, because in every instance where I have known the bastard personally, the eulogy bore no relation to how the person I knew actually lived and what they actually did and saw, that was a lot more like Rutger Hauer’s death speech in Blade Runner (yeah, the original, fuck the remake, ain’t seen it, don’t want to, that’s another age thing…)

Those that may not be here next Christmas or next New Year, fuck that too, I hope they live every day the same way they did last fucking year, or the year before that.

That’s why death and taxes is up there at the top, you can’t escape either one, but you can play fair and minimize your exposure to both, and have a happy heart because you know that, even if the fucking tax man doesn’t.

You do not have to go out and seek the tax man or the grim reaper and taunt them, they have a job, let them do it, by themselves, without my help, I have a job too, it’s called life and living, and that is enough for me to fill my days with.


Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 12:10 pm

For any measurement, you need a scale, and a frame of reference, if you have growing kids it’s easy enough, the frame of reference is the floor by the door frame, and the scale is the pencil on top of the kids head every birthday, et voila, you have a rough guide to how tall little Johnny was at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc

Tape measures and verniers and stuff, it’s all straightforwards provided you do not want too much accuracy, the zero end of the scale is the frame of reference and the scale itself be it imperial or metric is the amount you are measuring in, because the little Johnny on the door frame wasn’t measuring anything in a scale, just absolute marks, no ratios in between which you get if you measure in something standardized like metric or imperial.

I can go across the road to my local river and hammer a long steel bar into the bed, and if I graduate the bar I can see if the river is higher or lower than yesterday.

Similarly I can go down the road to the sea and watch the tide come in and out twice a day, a rise and fall of between 20 and 30 feet depending on various factors… including atmospheric pressure on the day.

Of course wave action makes measuring sea height difficult if I am trying to be accurate, and if I am trying to be *really* accurate it get very difficult because you have to start asking questions about tidal deformation of the crust, tectonic and geologic motions, and so on and so forth, and the definition of really difficult here is that there are several things all of which can vary by about the same sorts of numbers as the numbers you are trying to get for accuracy.

Then you go back and look at how measurements are being taken, eg radio/radar pulse timings from satellite referenced yadda yadda and the penny drops, you aren’t directly measuring anything, you are counting time for an event, and how accurate is that when you add that into the variability of the sea surface and waves reflecting the beam to be timed back to the source?

And you wonder why maritime chart data is constantly being updated, and topographical geographic data is constantly being updated, and it turn out that a large granite outcropping down the road from me that has been there for several million years, was actually about 6 feet wrong in height, and adjustment / error of around 0.3%, with respect to “sea level”, because lasers could measure it more accurately than simple optical verniers for triangulation.

I’ve got a 25 buck laser tape measure thing, for what it does, which it does up to around 40 metres, it’s fucking awesome, it even has some pythagoran triangulation so it can take two measurements and calculate the third side of the triangle.

It has a claimed accuracy of sub millimetre levels, and when I have tested it on objects a bit less than 2 metres long where I know the actual dimension to 0.1 mm or better from another source, I can say that the laser jobbie was always within 1 mm of correct.

Perhaps at 25 metres that might drop to 10 mm (partially because of the user error) and if so in reality I’d say that was more than good enough for 99.99% of applications…. I can’t see anyone using a 25 buck laser tape to measure and cut a 747 wing strut for example, but for buying bricks or skirting or wiring or paint or general carpentry, more than good enough.

But, when you try to tell me that sea levels down the road have been rising at an average of 0.8 mm per year, I know for a fucking fact you are talking complete fucking bollocks, simply because the shit you are using to measure it a/ isn’t good enough and b/ is constantly changing, a local sea level rise of 80 mm or 3.14 inches over the past 100 years *vastly* exceeds any accuracy that you can reasonably claim, the modern tidal gauges aren’t that good and aren’t corrected that well, 100 years ago it was a line on a stick, you’re talking fucking bollocks, and by definition since this is a subject you are claiming to be a specialist expert about, you absolutely have to know that you are talking fucking bollocks.

A SCIENTIST would tell you that taking instrumentation from 20 years ago forwards, because nothing before that was good enough, the inherent variables in the system exceed any theoretical accuracy in the system, so you really should not be attempting to measure anything to a level of accuracy greater than integer inches, and even then you have to be bloody careful… as in expect to see changes and do not try to read too much into those changes.

I have a set of rarely used bathroom scales, they are electronic, they have never been calibrated, but they give readings accurate, allegedly, to 100 grams, or 0.1 litre of water, about a quarter or a pint, or a cup of tea, or a piss, or a very small shit.

If I have a travel allowance of 25 kg and I put a packed suitcase on them and it says 23.9 kg I’m good to go and no excess baggage charges, beyond that, I wouldn’t trust them.

But, back to measurements, you need, as discussed, the reference, the zero, the floor, the point from which you measure…. and you need to be as accurate and as consistent as possible with this reference point, else everything else you do is bullshit.

Which is why “since records began in 1986” a tactic beloved of government both local and national is nothing more than proof positive that everything that follows is nothing more than a complete lie and fabrication.

Nowadays I almost never see a graph where both the X and Y axes are labelled (s0 you can see what the scale is, and if it is linear or logarithmic) , and where both the X and Y axes have an origin a zero.

I used to know a guy who worked in finance and used excel and the charting feature every day in anger for work, he freely admitted that he spend 0 minutes every day looking at the raw data, and all of his working time messing around with graphy types and graphy colours and graphy axes scales to achieve an end result, and the end result was always something that made a point clearly, look for this line is diverging from this line.

Yeah, I get it, he is trying to highlight a given point and he doesn’t really care about the rest of it, but then again, I have seen fabulous tits on a psycho smelly swamp thing unfuckable bitch, and if all you ever looked at was a close up of some great tits, you would just be conjuring up visions of some hot sexy mama and by the way what’s your number baby….

Back when I was in school the only way you could avoid a zero mark was to show two graphs side by side, one a proper one with zero origin axes, and next to it a detail one showing how one line diverged from another… I can still remember the actual experiment, three fine wires, one copper, one silver, one aluminium, all wound around glass cores in a glass box, all the same length and diameter, and special physics class bench ammeters and voltmeters and shit, which you’d have to test and calibrate before you could trust them… and then you could go and get your results, and if you weren’t *really* careful your margin of errors exceeded the theoretical differences is measurements.

At the end of the class the teacher used his much better instruments, he got closer to theoretical answers, but it still wasn’t textbook, next class was chemistry, go and ask the chemistry teacher, he said, how you can tell what those wires are made from, because so far you’ve been taking my word about composition and dimensions…

Typically we never did get “answers” out of any of those teachers, everything was always a best empirical estimate with a whole lot of unknowns to think about.

Mighty car mods, a youtube channel with some useless australian bastards playing with cars, did a thing about a 20 buck fleabay tuner chip, and here we are at the dyno ripping our car wiring apart, and here we are theorising about what the chip might do, and here we are with the dyno results.

nah mate, for a 20 buck tuner chip #1 is you characterize it electrically, then you depot it and see what is actually inside, and then you take discrete components to do what you theorise the chip might do, eg small resistor on the MAF sensor circuit to boogie the ECU tables, then run the vtec bitch on a few tankfuls of 105 octane.

A 25 minute video and a thousand bucks down the drain to “prove” that a 25 buck ebay tuner chip is shit, easier to hold it up and say if you buy this, you are a stupid cunt, and go on to something interesting, like how good the SAE calibration and adjustments on the dyno rig are, and what you can and can not tell from a dyno run.

This is fucking bollocks

This is less bollocks

But it is still missing important data, like when plastic came in, the 73/74 opec shit, when the gold standard was abandoned and fiat came in, and so on.

little Johnny and the marks are still there, but instead of little Janey walking up to the door frame and doing the hand to mark the height thing to compare, she starts measuring the height of the mark in inches, then millimetres, then the floor is lowered, then from the door handle up, then it’s inflation adjusted for girls being shorter than boys, and before you know it it is just marks on a door frame and complete fucking bollocks.

The house / flat I am living in now was built before that second chart started, and as near as I can measure the original image is 55 pixels high per 20k price, so 370 quid a pixel, and the darker line itself if 9 pixels high, so 3,750 quid, which was an appreciable fraction of the whole house price back in 1952, but even so, you can use this chart to “prove” that apart from a few shaky years in the 90’s, house prices can only ever go up… with a chart that starts in 1952… it’s like a chart showing that a coin flipping machine is throwing ever more heads and less tails, you can “prove” that the odds are no longer 50/50, you just set the start and end dates to exclude anything problematical at the start date and to include anything projected that makes your point at the end.

According to quickbooks, projections for the next financial year for my business are fucking great…

According to me, I have no idea if I am going to get *any* work in the new year. Not for sure guaranteed here is the fucking money boy.

It all depends how you measure, and where you measure from, I tend to count jobs that have been done and paid for and the money is in my bank, everything else is bullshit.

December 28, 2017

Watching the collectives

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 4:14 pm

…to be hummed to the Elvis Costello tune…

Russia russia russia putin russia russia etc, baddies du jour, endless media hype, constant barrage of programming for the hive mind.

There are two problems with this, and they are related, and to truly understand them you had to be around in the earlyish days of the “world wide web” when the “all your base” meme exploded.

Problem 1 is nobody could have predicted its runaway viral success.

Problem 2 is nobody could replicate it on demand.

These are in reality vast civilization shaking problems because top down social programming is one of the very few tools left in an otherwise utterly empty toolbox of mass control, it has spread to everything, to the extent that you have to sit down and think very hard to come up with things that may concern the man in the street that are not the subject of social programming, and if you do that, 99% of your hard thought ideas are trivially shot down in flames by anyone else in the group playing devil’s advocate…. January sales, house prices, diesel used cars, video games, pop music, beverages, Syria, you name it, it’s easy to shoot it all down as soon as someone plays devil’s advocate and starts to conjure examples of why it is not free from top down social programming.

As any reader of zero hedge will know, many stock prices are fucking insane, to the point where no mere human actor would play along with the herd, the more the prices rise into the stratosphere, the more humans would come out of the woodwork to short it… the fact that that has no happened and the only way up is just proof positive that in volume terms there are no more human bulls or bears, and it is trivial to make algorithms bullish on demand, in groupthink there are no dissenters, because dissenters are punished for being dissenters, loooong before there is any chance for mere circumstance to come along and either reward or punish them.

Crypto is great, until central banks get in on the act, then crypto is evil, and we are back to the gun analogy, the gun is good, the gun is evil, and nobody talks the truth, it is a tool, and as such inherently incapable of being either good or evil by itself.

A gun in the hands of a soldier on foreign soil may well be an instrument of evil, but the gun itself is still just a tool, but sufficient social programming can change the public perceptions.

50 years ago it would have been literally unthinkable and laughable to suggest that seat belts in cars would be mandatory front and rear seats, that crash helmets would be mandatory on motorcycles, that “bunch of bananas” helmets and lights and hi-vis vests would be mandatory on pushbikes, or that folding pocket knives would be illegal.

Yet today all but one have come to pass, and the final one comes into law here in the UK on January 1st 2018, a scant 4 days away.

Enough inviolable articles of the US Constitution have been voided or simply ignored that it is no longer ludicrous or laughable or infeasible to suggest that the right to bear arms, already severely curtailed compared to the constitutional text, can go away completely.

We already destroyed the nuclear family unit with the white man as breadwinner and head of the household, think on that, one of the most fundamental principles of civilization wiped out in 50 years, so if that can be erased, *anything* can be erased.

It doesn’t matter whether fuckbook was a private project to make money or a CIA tool, the reality is that today it is one of the 900lb gorillas in the room, and even if you are an individual like me who has NEVER had a fuckbook account and never will, that does not protect me one iota from its influence on me indirectly via influence of those around me.

The fact that those at the top of the pyramid are not ignoring fuckbook and their ilk is also neither here nor there, sure, there is a causal link between the hands on the controls, the controls and what they connect to, and what the controls connect to and the real world, where we can say that social media is the controls, you buy a new car you do not get to decide the mapping between throttle position and injector delivery volume map, you do not get to decide overall transmission ratio, you do not get to decide standard wheel / tyre circumference, you do not get to decide standard braking systems or efficiencies or potentials.

But the fact is that no matter how good and complex this shit gets, nothing changes the actual adhesion between the tyres on my car right now and the road surfaces I drive on right now at an ambient around freezing.

I can go out in my old diesel 2wd shed when everyone else is stuck in the 4×4 low profile tyred 400 bhp level 2/3 autonomous cyber bubble, I can drop all 4 tyres to 5 psi and drive at up to 20 mph anywhere and have traction and control, all I have to watch out for is other cunts who aren’t stuck yet sliding into me… I don’t need winter tyres, snowchains, traction control, all wheel drive or any other shit.

What I need is a car that actually does NOT have all that fuckbook style control interface, what I need is what I have, an old style control cable with one end attached to the gas pedal and the other end attached to the rack on the injection pump.

My mobility however falls apart when every other cunt crashes and blocks the road, I still have an ordinary old auto, I do not have a tank and the legal ability to just drive over other assholes with impunity and crush them to death.

And this gives us a nice analogy to the individualist lifestyle in an environment where social control from the top down is the menu du jour every fucking day, the social control systems do not make any difference at all where the rubber meets the road, no matter how much they pretend that this is so.

So on the one hand the disconnect between reality and socially programmed groupthink is what makes socially programmed groupthink so attractive, after all, it is all Putin’s fault that my local supermarket has put the prices up 10% and has no bread left anyway, but the other side of that blade is that very disconnect between reality and groupthink, you cannot debunk and defuse the groupthink with mere facts any longer…

The more fertile and productive the ground for top down approved groupthink, the more fertile the ground for the unexpected event, for the all your base meme, the war of the worlds radio broadcast and people going out and shooting water towers (that have stood there for 20 years) thinking they are suddenly martian spaceships ain’t nothing to what could happen now.

Yeah man, DC is gone, it’s just mushroom clouds, and the russkie nazis are landing everywhere, and then verizon or someone with a backhoe fucks up and the net goes down…. ok, game over man, let’s go grab something sharp and a zippo and something that burns and get freaky, got some scores to settle… meanwhile the epic PS5 / Fallout 5 launch advert rolls along unwatched by anyone but the techs.

But it doesn’t have to be that bad or extreme, it could be much more mild, and much more serious at the same time.

HSBC just went under and the only way you’ll ever get *any* money out is if you hit an ATM before it gets emptied, it says on fuckbook, 45 minutes later there are fights outside every ATM in the country, 24 hours later HSBC is toast, and the more some guvvmint talking head says it’s all bullshit and stop panicking, the more people will panic.

Because that’s the point, when you use top down control and feed people 24/7 bullshit, sure, they will still consume it, but as a herd they will become ever more skeptical…

Sure, on the surface they are still behaving according to the message, but below that, they are watching the rest of the herd.

Nobody knows what started the mini panic in London a couple of days ago, people who are followed on twatter twatted about people running scared, OMG, I am hiding in an office, next thing you know people are running, other people see people running, and the herd is off.

The post mortem cannot explain it, because the post mortem is looking for an event, a car backfiring, an armed robbery, someone crashing their car, but the unique and interesting point is that there is no event, we have gone way past that point.

It doesn’t even take a malicious actor any more, all it takes is an autocorrect error that isn’t seen before a message is sent… or less… one till closing cos that person is at the end of their shift or has the shits might do it.

We are at a place now in society where it gets harder and harder to put the genie back in the box, I have just heard from a friend, in his town which is in the midlands he got stopped by armed po-po, serves him right, said the po-po, for driving down a road 2 miles from a suspected terrorist (that he knew nothing of) with a couple of other guys in a car with weird black clothing on, and a flag showing in a rear side window that said some shit in white text on black cloth….

… apparently it was some “well known if you are into that shit” star trek quote written in Klingon text…. they were off to a Christmas fancy dress party.

My friend tells me his friend says the po-po who were sweeping them with the barrels of the loaded weapons were wide eyed and sweating.

My friend tells me his friends got to the pub 2 hour later than they planned, and were dressed in civvies, they went home and changed after eventually being released by po-po, and when they got to the pub they heard about the gang of armed terrorists stopped by po-po just up the road, of course the po-po fuckbook and twitter feeds had fuck all to say about this, which was taken as proof it was real serious shit by everyone in the pub… apparently the party was a bit crap, everyone got utterly shitfaced, fights broke out, several couples broke up, and it wasn’t a celebration so much as a desperate attempt to drink as much anesthetic as possible.

December 26, 2017

Dr Whoooo-oooooo

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 3:09 pm

I do not have a TV and have not watched TV for decades, which has saved me the torture of the “idiot’s lantern” and having to deal with or speak to anyone whose conversation revolves around what was on the telly yesterday, or what will be on it tomorrow.

Dr Who as a series is as old as me just about, and I did first watch it on 405 line UHF black and white, and the charm or the early series was the technology and budget limitations meant they were all set on earth, so for the period the storytelling was quite good, and only now and again did you have a plot hole so vast it required the waving of hands and “magic” technology that broke all the laws of thermodynamics and science…

20 years later the beeb did another sci fi series that was again only limited by the technology of the day and the budget, an which otherwise still stands up today, that was Blakes’ 7 and the character development and plots were extremely good.

Around the same time there was Space 1999, which had gorgeous sets but the story was pants, it was just a vehicle to spend the budget for year two on the failed series UFO, and the plot holes were fucking enormous, mainly to do with the moon being blown out of orbit in an explosion and for the purposes of the plot traveling at many many multiples of light speed then slowing down to a few thousand miles per hour during the next episode and flyby of the next episodes baddy base…

…. but back to old black and white 405 line Dr Who, stuff like the Sibermen (I’m sure it was spelt that way and not cybermen) in the sewers of London taking over the population and converting them, the plot was good enough to suspend disbelief for everything else and enjoyment could ensue, things went a bit downhill when plot lines moved away from Stavros being the father of the daleks to the daleks themselves being autonomous evil robots, but all that I could live with.

Yesterday apparently, it being christmas, which has become the traditional time for the doctor to reincarnate (funny, cos it never used to be, so how did something that never used to be so become canon for the series?) the doctor reincarnated again, and has come back as a cunt.

Time fucking LORD, what part of that makes it sound like a bitch can ever play the main role?

Now I will be the first to admit that the past 50 years of Dr Who there was nothing in the acting or the plot where you couldn’t get similar levels of technical competence from a wimminz, there were after all plenty of cupboards and shoe boxes that could out act Johnny Weismuller, but, Tarzan was a fucking bloke first and foremost, and so was Dr Who.

Imagine I was a proper actor with a proper career, and as a bloke some dweeb producer offers me a role in the rebooted Mrs Marple,  but the lead is now a bloke, irrespective of the script or my own acting ability, it’s not a “challenge” for me to take on the role, this isn’t a tenuous at best one shot plot line like Mrs Doubtfire, if I take the part I merely cement my name in the firmament as that wanker who played the first male Mrs Marple and thus heralded the middle of the end of the era, it effectively changes what is left of my career, no matter how talented I am, now matter how good the script, I will always be the bloke that played marple and ruined it (assuming it was any fucking good in the first place)

So no, I haven’t seen the first christingle gender fluid reboot of Dr Who, don’t know who the female doctor is, nor am I about to, and the fact is none of those things detract one iota from my ability to criticize it.

I do not need to see it to verify whether or not the bint can act or not, or the script is good or crap. The whole fucking preposition is fundamentally fucked beyond all redemption.

I put it here not to mourn yet another lost childhood icon, this isn’t snow white getting gang banged by the dwarves every night, I put it here to illustrate the concept that when you only have one strategy you will never stop doubling down, and doubling down on the feminazi / marxist / destroy the role of the white male in society thang is still going strong, real strong, no signs of fading yet.

I’ve said this before and I will say it again because it bears repeating, I know this young girl, just entering teens and puberty, and there are a million and one “survival” type reasons why it might be in her best interests to spend as much time as possible with me learning and experiencing shit, and at this point the feminazis will be focusing on the under age sexual angle, but the fact is that anyone out there who has ever had any kind of apprentice knows, having an apprentice kills your productivity, even if they do no wrong, ever… it’s a losing proposition, and it always was… the master only ever does it because he is paying forward the debt he incurred as an apprentice himself, in every other instance he is better off hiring someone who has already been apprenticed by someone else…

So leaving the illicit underage sex aside, this young girl would represent a monstrous extra burden on my and my life.. that’s not very attractive, and for the sake of completeness to address the all men are rapists thing, sex with her would be 100x as crap and 100x as unpleasant as sex with her equivalent 100 years ago would have been, and if you then take all of the above and wrap it up into one package and start dealing with that individual as a whole, which is what you have to do in real life, even if I never talked about motor vehicles much less taught her to drive it is only a matter of time until she will want to because she can because “everyone else is” and so on, and throughout all of this I will have to be dealing with someone who grew up in a world with a skanky ho as the Dr, and who despite being westcountry UK speaks with a grody cross between valley girl and bay girl accent thanks to all the hollyweird media she has been absorbing all her life, and you get to a place where all the arguments (and many of them are quite valid) about exploitation of minors and child labour rules and human rights rules that themselves make the whole concept of me taking her on full time as a pet project are irrelevant…

… and they are irrelevant because the kid themselves as presented to me in reality is so far below the minimum feasible “raw materials for an apprentice” stage that no matter how much she might, with 20/20 hindsight, look back in the future and wish she had had that opportunity, now matter how vital it may be to her very survival (and child suicide rates are going up, so that is actually a valid premise) that she have access to said apprenticeship, she has nothing to offer me that could possibly induce me to take her on.

Hell, let’s be realistic and brutally honest here, the cyphers that are my own flesh and blood estranged sons are growing up in the same toxic shit environment, and I feel like taking a 1″ iron bar to the next cunt that tells me some variation upon the theme that blood is thicker than water and when they are 16 or 17 or 18 and out of psycho skank ho mommy’s sphere of influence, they will come around of their own accord.

The cunts are also growing up in a world with a female Dr Who, you think mere flesh and blood can overcome insuperable obstacles like society trashing everything they were supposed to be as boys from the year dot of their lives?

I’ll accept that genetics and spirit can resist the onslaught to a certain extent, but genetics and spirit is no substitute to being able to rebuild a honda cub engine at 13 or understanding the basics of how a lathe works or basic DC electrics or basic materials science.

So we get 13 going on 5, and 16 going on 7, in valuable intellect and experience terms, and 13 going on 25 and 16 going on 35 in detrimental attitude and thought process terms, the die is effectively cast.

That can’t be fixed, lacking Dr Who and his time masheen (sic) to go back in time and fix things, there is no way to fix it.

At best in ideal circumstances with willing and eager participants, and now we are already heavily into fantasy land and need to invoke still more vast quantities of fantasy to assume that society is just going to sit back and watch and permit this, at which point we are somewhere beyond buying the winning jackpot lottery ticket every week for the next ten years, we have what?

We have someone who is going to permanently intellectually and emotionally disabled, with a lot of work and effort on my part by the time this kid is 25 and approaching what would have been their prime they’ll be roughly equivalent to the average 17 year old who left school at 16 back in the 60’s or 70’s.

I am old enough I can actually point to and name individuals that are living proof of this, my methods may have sucked and my attitude may have sucked and I may have been a bastard and everything else, but I can only work with the raw materials I have been given, and if the raw materials are desperately lacking, you have to push harder, because now you have 15 years worth of work to be done in 5 years, and that ain’t my fault…. meanwhile the kid in question can’t see the wood for the trees and ain’t none of it like what they see on the teevee or hear from their friends, and they give you the big fuck you and the horse you rode in on, I’ve learned a lot (having no concept that yes, they have learned a lot, compared to what they knew when I first met them, but they still only know 0.5% of what I can teach them, so they only know enough to be dangerous) and I am too good for this shit you put me though, kiss my ass…

.. and a decade passes and they have not moved on one iota, they do not own anything, they haven’t learned anything new, they aren’t self reliant and able to do anything for themselves, and of course every failing in their lives is now my fault.

This is the shit that the wannabe padawan has to contend with, the old, experienced (male) Dr who timelord with knowledge and experience falling out of his ass like dandruff is the hardest sell in the book.

I do not have to watch the new Dr Cunt to know for a fact that nowhere in the script will there be an example of the old smart Dr deservedly talking down to the young stupid sidekick, no matter how cute and sexy.

The Lone Ranger had Tonto, which is spanish for stupid, batman and robin was the same deal, the side kick is always stupid and impetuous, because apprentices always are, even if they are cartoon mice of indeterminate sex, and I’m lookin’ at you mickey as the sorcerer’s apprentice, and of course the other thing that was mandated for apprentices, like bilbo baggings, was that despite their ignorance, their hearts were in the right place, the master saw the POTENTIAL.

As we move into 2018 no wannabe padawan has a heart in the right place, society and media programming and Dr Hymen all go to ensure that that is so, and anyone who dares to tread those waters, as I myself was stupid enough to do getting on for 2 decades ago, get severely punished for it.

In my day job I often joke about taking on some young apprentice with big tits and O levels, it says a lot that just about every other business owner I say this in front of adopts a facial expression like I just talked about showing a cactus us their ass, jesus fucking christ mate, that shit is so full of fucking landmines how can you even fucking joke about it, even hiring blokes isn’t proof against that sexual shit anymore, and these new laws where people can change their sex on a whim, and then I have to cater to that as an employer and make sure toilet and other facilities have to take all this stuff into consideration….. jesus…

Still, there are plenty of openings on the minimum wage with zero career prospects and every square inch of the premises covered by at least three separate CCTV cameras where all you need to do is say “Do you want fries with that” or read a script off a screen when the IP telephony system forwards a customer call to you, so, no big deal.

Who knows, one day one in 20 million of you may aspire to the heights of playing the new female lead in Superman, so it’s all good.

All the other roles, first female manager, first female foreign secretary, first female prime minister, first female CEO, they’ve all gone, and despite the incumbents making a total fuckup of every single role, there is a new revolving door (see Meg Whitman et al) and the fact is sister, you may be born with a cunt, but you are NOT a part of that team, and you will never get to play a role.

Your job is to keep them in their job, by fighting against the patriarchy of those who were good enough to apprentice you, or give you a break, or treat you as an individual with potential, so nobody is every allowed to question things like why is that useless bitch in that role in the first fucking place, still, I suppose the remaining fans can look forwards to LGBTQ+ daleks with each of the bumps painted in a rainbow of colours



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