Wimminz – celebrating skank ho's everywhere

November 28, 2017

I get no shit

Filed under: Wimminz — wimminz @ 11:06 am

I have a very open policy here, anyone can comment, and blatant spam detected and deleted by wordpress aside, I think I may have deleted a total of three comments ever, and even then it was because I considered them to be vandalism, not because I did not agree with them.

Which leaves us with two (not necessarily mutually exclusive) possibilities.

1/ This site is tiny, insignificant, and unknown.

2/ Feminazis / SJW’s / etc are too scared / sensible / bored to post here.

I’ll leave it to the reader to guess which is the most likely…. unless of course some notorious in the MSM today deviant gets linked to reading this shit, in which case it will be transformed into an infamous den of depravity and misogyny and deviancy instantly, only fucking paedos read wimminz.

Non UK readers may not know about the whole Bulger / Venables thing, basically two small boys lead a third away and abuse him and then murder him.

One of the two killers have vanished under a new identity since completing his sentence, the other one keeps turning up like a bad penny, apparently he is now on his way back to prison, again, for violating his license, this time for looking at child porn on the net, and even more creepily, according to the daily mail, signing up for websites to date single mums, and presumably get access to more small children… oh the horror and depravity.

1/ I don’t know how these fuckers are finding all this kiddie porn online.

2/ I don’t know of any single mum skank ho dating websites.

OK you can argue #1 any way you like, but the analogy here is I was one of those who were there when Africa was discovered, and I have been roaming the place ever since, and sure, I once saw a dead white rhino carcass rotting in a wadi, but I have never seen a live one, and yet all I hear from friends of the earth is the sick evil poachers killing white rhinos and cutting their horns off for sexual aphrodisiac purposes, and all the other animals that are killed and and the diamond trade and gold trade and oil trade and everything else never even gets a fucking mention….

#2 is probably plenty of fish, sure, it’s full of wimminz, and sure most of them are skank ho single moms, but it isn’t a single mom with small kids dating site, any more than the daily fail itself is a single mom with small kids website / “news” site.

So back to the I get no shit thing.

I do not go looking for it, I’m not reading and posting and commenting on other sites and linking back to here, I’m not seeking publicity.

Anyone who is seeking publicity probably isn’t interested in this place, it’s too small and obscure, and frankly, too messy and covering too wide a range of subjects, the certainly aren’t the other eyeballs to view anything they post and increase their profile to make it worth posting here in the first place.

And again it’s so disjointed and all over the place and messy and full of typos and shit that it’s hard to invoke it to make a *clear* point of some kind, for example you could invoke plenty of fish to make a point about trout pout selfies…. and have little chance of anyone being distracted, WTF is this about Musk and Tesla?

So I get no shit because I don’t go looking for it, and I’m too small and low profile a target for anyone looking for self publicity or to make a point, so it’s all really shades of too small and insignificant to matter.

Nor have I ever had any personal fallout from this, though I have had three for four (I forget, not having really paid any attention in the first place) people contact me stating that they were going through some shit in the secret family courts and they were being portrayed as the owner / operator of this site, could I please help them prove this was not so, I’ve covered that before so I won’t bother here now.

But of course none of this means I am *immune* from getting any shit, it could happen tomorrow, someone ices Musk or someone else and calls him a bog brush boy and one google search later instant infamy for wimminz… ooops..

And this is really a lesson, not just a lesson too late for the weinsteins of this world, but a lessons for current politicians and bankers and everyone else, just because you have never had any shit of note for what you do, that doesn’t mean you were immune.

Current UK PM May and her billionaire investor husband, naturally they are all above suspicion and any correlations between what she says and what he “invests” in is purely coincidental, just like Fusion GPS and uranium deals with Putin and the clintons and obamas.

Of course there are differences, when I started this *technically* I myself has a case going through the secret family courts that *technically* had not quite finished, so best to err on the side of caution when it comes to contempt of court and go anon instead of using my given name, those times are long past, there isn’t actually anything preventing me from outing myself, I just don’t see the point, I want to be the faceless voice behind the radio so you tune in and listen to the words, or not, as you see fit, I don’t want to be the DJ you tune in to *because* I am who I am…. identify with my words, if you will, not with me.

Beyond that, I’m not an idiot, any connection between the real me and wimminz is largely circumstantial, and lacking anything significant like someone actually icing Musk and calling him bog brush boy, there is little reason to bring sufficient resources to bear and nullify the possibility of a libel lawsuit (for foreign readers in UK courts and law truth is not a defence to a claim of libel, defamatory but true statements can cost you) and there is always the danger of the streisand effect, is it worth it to make a nobody famous and make his words reach millions?

Beyond that, it wouldn’t actually bother me much, I could be in reality a single individual, or Tyler Durden, but there is nothing here that by itself would damage me inordinately, 15 minutes of fame maybe, then meh.

Not so much for the weinsteins and clintons and mays and merkels of this world, for them the fake public persona is more important than any hidden reality, what’s that, Rock Hudson is a fag???!!! Oh my fucking god, how is this possible..

NONE OF THESE FUCKERS buy and own TV stations and newspapers because they fancy being reporters or telling the truth, nor is anyone in their circles friends with them because they fancy being reporters or telling the truth, Bezos bought the WaPo because he could and now he owns an enormously powerful propaganda machine, and he gets no shit, not the counts anyway, because now his voice is amplified a billion times.




  1. Your content requires people to stop and think and look at things in the context you write them. Rather than just spoonfeeding tidbits of today’s 15 minutes of rage (Alt right are included in this although its lefty S.O.P.)

    That and you also cover things like energy, engines and cars which are just like ewwww and BORING.

    Long may it continue.

    Comment by justwanttocommentblog — November 28, 2017 @ 4:30 pm

    • Need an edit button:

      Also some people just will not ever be able to cognise what you write. It’s too nuanced. Can you imagine a faux lumberjuck beardy soyboy having the first clue what you’re on about re: Harleys? I was a motocross kid so cruisers are lost on me but even then I totally understood your point.

      Comment by justwanttocommentblog — November 28, 2017 @ 4:32 pm

  2. What else can we say besides keep up the good work? This blog is by my favorite; you teach us to think the proper way.

    Comment by ALT — November 28, 2017 @ 5:58 pm

  3. To get no shit, you must first give no fucks 😉

    I recall that you’ve written previously about anarchy. Where I live today is the closest I’ve experienced to an anarchy, and 99% of the time it is actually a lovely place to live, and little worry about people breathing down your neck. Yes there is a corrupt government and police who are looking for bribes, laws which are ignored when money is involved, and a lack of security over private property.

    But on the other hand, the infrastructure and competence of the government is at a low enough level that they don’t bother harassing the individual who minds his own business. Contrast this to a “first world country” I recently went to where I was detained for an hour and had my passport seized before being released again without explanation. And where there are cameras literally everywhere and everything you do is being monitored and recorded. Fuck that, I’d rather have the freedom to carry on my life as long as I’m not bothering anyone than deal with a nameless, faceless, totalitarian body of assholes.

    I’ve found that if you’re decent and fair to others, 99% of the fears about security and the dangers of anarchy disappear. Going back to the Musk and the bog brush boy phenomena, I think the reason the anarchy = apocalypse narrative is pushed so hard is because those types wouldn’t survive in it. They’re all selfish, cowardly, psychopathic cunts which NEED a massive bureaucracy and security force to isolate them from the masses of normal people they don’t understand.

    Comment by undefined — November 29, 2017 @ 1:56 am

    • Where do you live? How long did you live in the UK?

      Comment by justwanttocommentblog — November 29, 2017 @ 12:08 pm

      • Somewhere in SEA; and 2 weeks ;). UK was not the “first world country” I referred to, but seeing that it matches the description of many countries out there shows just how far along the world cancer has come.

        Comment by undefined — November 30, 2017 @ 8:39 am

  4. For me this is one of the last sane places on the Internetz.
    Too much trolling and noise by (((them))) out there, to drown out the precious nuggets of “real” reality.

    Though admittedly, sometimes I like to add to the noise too..

    Comment by hans — November 29, 2017 @ 11:06 am

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